DEAR ABBY: "Seeing Red in Texas," who drives a new red Mercedes, wants to know why anyone would deliberately key-scratch her car while it's parked at malls or other public places. I think I can tell her.
Several years ago, while walking into the main entrance of one of the more expensive department stores in San Antonio, I noticed a late-model red Jaguar coupe pull up and park sideways across two handicapped parking spots. There were no handicapped signs anywhere on the car to justify this outrageous act of selfishness. A young, healthy-looking, well-dressed woman emerged from the car and strode purposefully toward the store."Excuse me," I said, "those parking spaces are for the handicapped." She turned, smiled, flipped me a one-finger salute and proceeded into the store.
I smiled, too. Then I dragged my key across the side of the Jag's bright red finish.
Yes, I know that was bad, but it felt good, and I wasn't sorry. Having an expensive new car is no excuse for taking a handicapped parking space (much less two). Obviously, such inconsiderate fools have never had a loved one confined to a wheelchair. Those who park like pigs deserve a parking ticket (viewed by the wealthy as merely the cost of prime parking), getting their cars towed, or worse. - HAVE KEY, WILL SCRATCH; OR MAD AS "H" AND NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE
DEAR HAVE KEY: Sorry, two wrongs don't make a right. I prefer the manner in which this gentleman from San Mateo handled that problem:
DEAR ABBY: In response to "Seeing Red in Texas": How many parking spaces were you taking when your car was key-scratched?
When you see an expensive car parked diagonally across two parking spaces, be assured the owner is more concerned with his or her car than the convenience of others who may also want to park. Because I do not believe that I have the right to damage property, I always leave a note on the windshield to express my displeasure.
DEAR ABBY: After reading your column for almost 35 years, it is past time to say thank you for it, for your booklet "Favorite Recipes," and now for "More Favorite Recipes."
I loved your first cookbooklet so much that it is worn out and threadbare. I am now working on making your second cookbooklet threadbare! So far, I've made Everybody's Favorite Baked Beans, Candied Sweet Potatoes, Creamy Spinach Casserole, the Rum Balls, the Lemon Squares and the Sumptuous Chicken Stroganoff. I must compliment you on how beautifully clear, direct and well-written your recipes are. They are a pleasure to read.
I have done technical editing all my life and cannot read a "regular" book without automatically "editing" it, so for relaxation, I read cookbooks the way most people read romance novels. Please start writing "STILL More Favorite Recipes." I'm almost 75 years old and don't have a whole lot of time to wait for it.
You do an outstanding job, Abby. No matter how bad off I am (sometimes my back gives me real trouble), when I read some of those letters, I sigh and say, "There but for the grace of God go I!" If you want to use my name, it is . . . RUTH L. TERRY, ROCHESTER, N.Y.
By popular request, Abby shares more of her favorite prize-winning, easy-to-prepare recipes. To order, send a long, business-size, self-addressed envelope, plus check or money order for $3.95 ($4.50 in Canada) to: More Favorite Recipes by Dear Abby, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054. (Postage is included.)