Housing subsidies have been assured for low-income residents and owners of low-income rental units through the adoption of a resolution by the Richfield City Council to create a housing authority.

The council has been studying a proposal by the New Horizons Crisis Center asking the city to sponsor the authority. It was authorized by a unanimous vote. Administration costs will be paid by the Utah Department of Community and Economic Development.The mayor and council will appoint a five-member commission for the housing authority.

A housing authority was needed so that such programs as housing rehabilitation, construction of affordable housing, administration of low-interest loans and housing rent supplements could be conducted, according to Beverly Williams of the New Horizons Center.

A survey in November showed a number of rental housing units that qualified for low-income residents, but most of them were occupied, Williams said. The units included 183 apartments, 116 houses, 17 duplex to six-plex rentals and two mobile homes.

In other action, Mayor Jay Andersen announced these council assignments:

James Forsey - public works, water, sewer, streets, lighting, sidewalks and cemetery; Beth Roberts - parks and recreation, swimming pool, golf, youth council; Paul Lyman, planning and zoning, airport and city property; Medford Hutson - community betterment, library, senior citizens, beautification, historic preservation, chamber of commerce and public relations; Dennis Larson - economic development and tourism, building inspection, fair grounds, county fair and arts council.

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The mayor will be responsible for public safety, police, fire, animal control, administration, bonding, insurance and finances.

The council changed its policy in regard to purchase of lots and services performed at the city cemetery. Two new fees were approved, $10 for transfer of records and $1 for copies and handling the records. A charge for monument removal was increased from $25 to $35.

Council members agreed to these charges: burial space for residents, $225; non-residents, $325; grave openings on weekdays for residents, $125 for adults and $75 for infants; openings on Saturdays, $175 and $100, respectively; weekday openings for non-residents, $150 for adults and $100 for infants and Saturdays $200 and $150, respectively; cremations, $75 on weekdays and $100 on Saturdays; disinterment, $200; burials after 4 p.m., $35 per hour for work required.

The council also voted to provide a $50,000 line-of-duty life insurance benefit for eight police officers, with the $30 premium per officer to be paid from money confiscated in drug arrests; passed a resolution to conform to Utah off-highway vehicle laws in the city limits; limited speed of such vehicles to 20 miles per hour; and agreed to require riders between 8 and 16 years of age to meet state requirements for training and certification and be accompanied by an adult.

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