Utah County and the Forest Service will participate this summer in a program to control noxious weeds in several areas of Spanish Fork, Diamond Fork and Hobble Creek canyons.
The Forest Service agreed to provide the county with $7,000 in chemicals for treatment of musk thistle. The Forest Service will provide a crew for treatment of inaccessible areas of forest property. The county will provide a crew and equipment for treatment of areas accessible by vehicles. The county will also assist landowners in treating their property.The areas to be treated in Spanish Fork Canyon include Sheep Creek Canyon, Chicken Hollow, Tank Hollow, Long Hollow and Teat Mountain. Areas in Diamond Fork to be treated include Lower Diamond Fork, Upper Diamond Fork, Redford Meadows, Wanrhodes, Upper Fifth Water and Ray's Valley. The left fork of Hobble Creek Canyon to Camel's Pass and from Pumphouse Ridge to the bottom of Hobble Creek Canyon will also be treated.