Disney's animated "Beauty and the Beast" is scheduled to be the first work-in-progress screened in the New York Film Festival's 29-year history.
The movie will have a finished soundtrack and animation frames in various stages of completion when it is shown Sept. 29."Viewers will see fully drawn color and animation down to line sketches and everything in between," said Wendy Keyes, the festival's executive producer for programming.
The festival will include 28 films and run from Sept. 20 through Oct. 6 at New York's Lincoln Center.
"We discussed it and decided it would be a unique opportunity for people to see the different stages of animation," said Disney spokeswoman Terry Press.
Some of the movie's 500 animators, artists and technicians will be present to discuss their work with the audience, he said.
The finished "Beauty" is scheduled for nationwide theatrical release Nov. 22.