To the editor:
It is unbelievable that three members of one family have the nerve to even suggest that public access to Stansbury Island be closed by the closure of the now public road in use on the island.In a meeting at the County Commission office, there was overwhelming support for keeping the road open. Only these three men - John, Craig and Mark Bleazard opposing.
Will the people again be overrun by government leaders who have been taken in by a few instead of serving the voice of the many? Where is the legal voice in this issue? Ron Elton has not spoken publicly and as the county attorney needs to inform the taxpaying public and private landowners opposing closure of the road the legal position in this issue and the proper course the commission should take.
It has been presented by the Bleazards that all landowners support closure of the road. This is not true. As landowners who have been there longer than the Bleazards, we want the road to remain open. Once the road is closed, the public will be hardpressed to have it reopened.
Pressure needs to be applied to the Tooele County commissioners to keep the road open, to serve the taxpayers and public citizens of this county and the constituency that elected them to public office and which obligates them to vote the public choice.
Evelyn D. Adams
Robert L. "Dutch" Cook
Delbert A. Cook
Royce E. Cook
Stansbury Island property owners