Alan Thicke of ABC-TV's hit series, "Growing Pains," will be the keynote speaker at the fourth annual Governor's Conference on Families.
With a theme, "Smarter Parents Happier Children," the conference will be from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 21, in the Salt Palace.Other presenters at the conference include educators, psychologists and social workers such as Nancy Anderson, Michael Ballam, Stephen Bavolek, Ruth Bradshaw, Lee Burnhan, George Durrant, Clint Combs, Colleen Garside, Robert Higginson, Glen Jensen, Glen Latham, Karen Lofgreen, David and Paula Thomas, Javier Saenz and Steven Szykula.
Workshop topics will include "Teaching Your Values to Your Children," "Empowering Teens," "The Power of Music to Reach Potential," "Mothers and Daughters," "Helping Children Succeed in School," "Fathering," "Family Budgeting," "Self-Esteem Through Communication," "The Case of the Adolescent Identity," "Home-Based Sex Education," "Remarriage and the Kids," "Management of Children's Behavior," "The Art of Being a Functional Family," "Discipline with Teens," "Single Parenting" and "Problems of Ethnic Minorities and Effective Services to Meet Their Needs."
A father of two sons, Thicke was named "Father of the Year" by the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, the Father's Day Council of Los Angeles and the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
A $10 conference registration fee will include lunch. Financial assistance is available. Call Utah Issues, toll-free, 1 (800) 331-5627. For those wishing lunch, registration must be received by Monday, Sept. 16. Check or money order must be made payable to Governor's Conference on Families, P.O. Box 45500, Salt Lake City, UT 84145-0500. Call 538-3985 for more information.