The Norman S. Anderson, M.D., Award Fund has special guides for teen mothers available. "Luann in Baby Love" is a comic-book format designed to promote and improve the early healthy adjustment of young mothers and their new babies.

The format and content were developed through the efforts of regional and national consultants in parent education, child development and mental health. It is written and illustrated by Greg Evans, whose teenage comic character, Luann, appears daily in hundreds of newspapers nationwide.The "Baby Love" title is based on the fact that many young mothers have their babies so they will have someone to love them. They often don't realize that babies may cry for no reason, that caring for them is a 24-hour-a-day responsibility and that being a mother is emotionally and physically demanding. Mothering is not taught in school, nor is it an inborn skill. It is based on role models, learning and emotional support, along with maturity and mental health.

The United States has almost 1 million pregnancies each year to teens age 15-19 - the highest rate in any developed country.

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A grant to the Anderson Award Fund from the FHP Foundation supported production, printing and distribution of the comic book, which has received favorable reviews from leading authorities. It is available through many health-care providers, including pediatricians, obstetricians, mental health professionals, hospitals and state health departments. More information and copies of the book can be obtained from the Anderson Award Fund, 3945 Wasatch Blvd., Suite 285, Salt Lake City, UT 84124.

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