Two Democratic incumbents in House legislatives districts in east and central Salt Lake City face no Republican opposition.

The Democratic and Libertarian parties have candidates in all five area districts. In two areas that haven't elected many Republicans recently, the GOP has no challengers for Reps. Ronald J. Greensides and Gene Davis, both D-Salt Lake. Greensides' and Davis' only opponents in the general election Nov. 3 are Libertarians.District 25, including Avenues and east-central areas, is the most crowded legislative race in Utah - with six candidates, representing the Democratic, Republican, Populist, Libertarian, Independent and American parties - and with two incumbents in the district.

District 25

Six candidates are vying to represent House District 25, including Dave Jones, the Democratic incumbent in former House District 27.

The recently redrawn House District 25 includes portions of the Avenues, Federal Heights, Emigration and Parleys canyons, and University of Utah neighborhoods.


Jones faces former Attorney General Robert Hansen, Republican; Bob Waldrop, Libertarian; Robert Comstock, Independent Party; Loren E. Hancock, American Party; and E.O. "Doc" Woods, Populist.

- A marketing and public-relations consultant, Dave Jones, 41, is currently working on Rep. Wayne Owens' campaign for the U.S. Senate. Jones ran unsuccessfully for mayor of Salt Lake City last year.

Education, health care, environmental protection and economic development are the most important issues facing state government, according to Jones, yet Corrections is one of the fastest-growing areas of the state budget.

To keep up with the state's needs, Jones said they have to be prioritized. "I prefer to put money into schools, rather than new prisons. Corrections needs to experiment with home confinement and other concepts for nonviolent criminals," he said.

"I would support a tax increase only if I were convinced that a rigorous prioritization of programs had taken place and that a number of worthy, though less-important programs, had been sacrificed. State government cannot do it all," he said.

He called appealing the state's law banning most abortions "an example of a wasteful initiative that should be cut" to put money into education, health and human services programs.

During his four years in the House, Jones has served on the Business, Labor and Economic Development Committee, the state and Local Affairs Committee, the Economic Development Interim Committee and the House Rules Committee.

He also served on the Salt Lake County Commission on Youth, the Community Counseling Center board, the Governor's Council on the Bio-Medical Industry and the Salt Lake Acting Company board.


- Robert Hansen, 67, who served in the attorney general's office from 1968 to 1981 including as attorney general, is an attorney with Life-Line Inc., an alcohol and drug rehabilitation center.

Hansen labeled education, health care and job creation as the state's most pressing issues. State spending needs to be cut to pay for those needs, he said, adding he opposes tax increases.

"I know the AG's budget (including outside counsel fees) is at least 25 percent bloated," Hansen said. There should be "no more $1 million-plus feeds for legal work by private firms when it should and could be done by the attorney general and his staff."

He said his legislative agenda also includes arbitration to save litigants and the court system "a great deal of money," capital punishment and having district attorneys prosecute felonies.

The preservation of capital punishment in Utah is "critical to law and order," Hansen said.

"I realize that the public generally is more interested in issues of education and health care than they are in the items on my agenda," Hansen said.

In the area of education, he said he favors a voucher system for both public and private schools, with a differential in amount to make the competition between them fair.

Hansen said the abortion law should be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court despite the recent ruling upholding Roe vs. Wade, the case that legalized abortion.


- Libertarian Bob Waldrop, 39, a research assistant with a medical management company, is making his seventh run for office. He chaired the Libertarian Party in Utah from 1985 until 1989 and was the party's field coordinator in 1991.

The most important issue facing state government? "Reducing the size, expense and scope of government in favor of individual responsibility. We must get away from the delusion that all we have to do is pass a law or enact a program and every problem will be solved," Waldrop said.

He said he is opposed to raising taxes for increasing education, health and social-service needs. "The alleged `need' for more money in these areas is indicative of too many bureaucrats with time on their hands and nothing useful to do," Waldrop said.

For example, he said, both the state Office of Education and the state Board of Education should be abolished as well as administrative activities at the local district level.

"Ultimately, the real solution for education is the separation of state and education. Public schools are in a constant state of crisis because they are socialistic," Waldrop said.

Other reforms called for by Waldrop include stopping "welfare for business," his term for economic development programs, and "government welfare" for rural residents.

"Taxpayers from urban areas should not subsidize the lifestyles of people who wish to live in rural Utah," he said, referring to low-cost loans for water projects and other development.


- Independent Party candidate Robert Comstock, 39, is a groundskeeper at the University of Utah. He is listed on the ballot as Bob James Comstock.

Comstock said education and tax reforms are needed. "The middle-class pays a disproportionate share of the taxes," he said.

The answer to funding growth in education, health and social services is not raising taxes, Comstock said. "I think we should look more at privatization," he said.

"I do believe we can eliminate the sales tax on food. I believe that's a regressive tax," Comstock said.

He said he is not yet convinced a tax increase is needed to pay for a light-rail system. "I think it would be good if it could pay for itself," he said. "That's not proven. It needs more study."

"More programs to build up families. It needs to be an advocacy system, not adversarial. Right now, it is adversarial. It's breaking up families," Comstock said of current state programs aimed at troubled youth.


- Loren Hancock, 88, is a retired carpenter running for the Legislature as a member of the American Party. Many of the state's problems, he said, are due to the national deficit.

"I probably should have run for the national Congress instead of state government, for that is where the problem is, but I lacked the finances for that," Hancock said.

"Our national debt is our greatest problem. If we can solve this problem, all our other problems can be solved much easier," he said, calling the nation's banking system fraudulent.

"When 10 percent of the population can be charged interest on money they create out of nothing and none of the rest of us can do this in our businesses, the result is a few get extremely rich while most of us and our country sink deeper into debt," he said.

If elected, Hancock said he would attempt to improve education, possibly through subsidizing private schools. "Our medical system needs improvement but socialized medicine is a good answer," he said.


- E.O. "Doc" Woods, the Populist Party candidate in District 25, did not return a candidate questionnaire and could not be reached for comment on the issues in his race.

- House District 25 includes the north Avenues, generally north of 13th Avenue; the east Avenues, generally east of N Street; Federal Heights; the east-central Salt Lake City areas west of the University of Utah - west as far as 400 East between 200 South and 400 South; areas south of the university, generally to 1300 South between 900 East and 1500 East; and Emigration and Parleys canyons.

District 27

Incumbent Ronald J. Greensides, a Democrat, is opposed by Libertarian Elizabeth Buck in the race for state House District 27 - an area that includes south-central Salt Lake City and east South Salt Lake.


- Ronald J. Greensides, a 51-year-old vice president of Sugar House Moving and Storage, identifies four main issues facing state government:

- Overcrowded school classrooms. He believes public and higher education should be better funded so it can prepare Utah's children to compete for the technical and specialized jobs of the future. Greensides backed a Democratic-supported proposal last year that would have shifted millions of dollars from other programs to education.

- The way human services programs are treated. He supports programs that help the needy and disadvantaged.

- Highway maintenance and the growth of the state's transportation system. He opposes the light-rail initiative and supports construction of a major express route along the western side of the Salt Lake Valley.

- Developing innovative programs to help small businesses start and grow.

Although he opposes abortion, Greensides said the state should abandon its defense of an anti-abortion law. In light of a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling in a case from Pennsylvania, the Utah law has little chance of being upheld, he said.

Greensides believes government should run more efficiently, implementing many of the measures private businesses have used to reduce costs. He supports firm control of disposal of hazardous wastes and will seek strict standards over their storage and handling.

Greensides believes money is better spent in education and care for the needy than for an Antelope Island causeway.


- Elizabeth Buck, a 36-year-old homemaker, is running a campaign that extends beyond traditional statewide issues. As a Libertarian, she believes major government reforms are necessary.

"Mental arrogance has led to emotional ignorance," she said.

She blames the school system, churches and other mainstream institutions for society's problems, including homelessness, joblessness, alcoholism and drug abuse. She accuses those institutions of spreading lies.

"If you want to continue to live lies, vote for Bangerter, vote for Bush and keep going to church," she said.

However, Buck is not a traditional Libertarian. She opposes the legalization of drugs and supports gun control.

"Freedom comes with responsibility," she said. "I can't give freedom to a 2-year-old to drive my car or to go to the corner store and get a pack of cigarettes."

"I claim that I don't know all the answers," she said. "It is the people who know all the answers I worry about. I would really, really fight for what the people believe they want.

- House District 27's north boundary is 400 South; the west boundary is State Street north of 900 South, 200 West from 900 South to 1700 South, irregular to 2100 South, State Street from 2100 South to 2700 South and West Temple from 2700 South to 3300 South; the eastern boundary jogs between 1000 East and 400 East from 400 South to 1500 South, is 500 East from 1500 South to Mill Creek and is State Street from Mill Creek to 3300 South; the southern boundary is 3300 South.

District 28

A three-way race to represent House District 28 involves a Republican incumbent who says she represents the views of most in the district, a Democrat who emphasizes health care and education, and a Libertarian who wants to cut government.

District 28 covers the east side of Salt Lake City to about 1500 East between 500 South and 2100 South and a small area east of 2100 East extending south to 2100 South and Foothill Drive.


- Incumbent Afton Bradshaw, a partner in a small family business, says she holds moderate, mainstream Republican views. Also, as an incumbent and as chairwoman of the Rules Committee, she believes her influence on state government gives her district a greater voice than any newcomer can achieve.

Bradshaw identifies education, health care, the environment and economic development as issues deserving the most attention. She wants the state to pursue people who aren't paying taxes, which she believes could add several million dollars to the state treasury. That money should be spent on education, health care and social services, she said.

Bradshaw favors pursuing only those parts of Utah's anti-abortion law that state attorneys believe are constitutional. Otherwise, she doesn't favor spending more money defending the law.

Bradshaw favors doing more to help spur business in rural Utah, starting with helping existing businesses grow.

"We should approach it on a community basis, analyzing the strengths of each community separately," she said. "If a small town can add two or three employees each year, that is the best start."

When it comes to light rail, Bradshaw will say only that she is glad voters have a chance to decide the issue. "Such an expensive project requires the input and commitment of the public," she said. Bradshaw also favors completion of the West Valley Highway but believes it should be funded through a gas tax.


- Democrat Ken Buchi, a 41-year-old physician and associate professor of medicine at the University of Utah, has experience working with the governor and Legislature as an advocate for access to health care, environmental concerns and education. His resume includes memberships on several state committees and task forces, including being named chairman of four.

He believes education, access to adequate health care and the preservation of the environment are essential to providing a foundation that will assure everyone the ability to realize his or her potential.

Buchi believes his training and experience qualify him to deal effectively with education, health care and environment.

"As an educator, I understand the critical importance of education to the future of our state," he said. "As a physician, I fully understand the strengths and the shortcomings of our health-care system. As an interested and concerned citizen, I have worked to educate government officials and individual citizens about the adverse health and economic impacts of air and other environmental pollution."

He supports the light-rail initiative and also believes in improving vehicle pollution-control technology and establishing a network of safe bicycle trails throughout the Salt Lake Valley.

Buchi opposes further efforts to defend the state's anti-abortion law.


- Libertarian Ronald Scott Leahy, a 34-year-old electrical engineer with Paramax, a defense communications company, says he is the only candidate whose main goal is to reduce the size of government and its control over individuals.

He opposes increases in any government agency and supports efforts to privatize as much as possible.

"Government has proven to be a poor provider," he said. "Free enterprise has proven to be effective and efficient in providing for our wants and needs. Government doesn't produce anything. It only redistributes."

Leahy would try to limit government's role to only those functions that protect the liberty and property of it citizens.

He believes businesses should be held accountable for how they handle toxic waste with state laws interfering only when pollution is considered to be trespassing.

Leahy opposes the light-rail initiative, believing a private business would have produced one already if it was needed. Likewise, he opposes funding for an Antelope Island Causeway, and he believes the state should abandon its defense of an anti-abortion law.

District 30


Gene Davis, a 47-year-old public-relations employee of Valley Mental Health, is trying for a fourth term as representative for District 30. He is opposed by Libertarian Steve Walton.

District 30 covers south-central Salt Lake City and southeast South Salt Lake.

Davis was first elected in 1986.

"I believe the people in District 30 have made an investment in me," he said. "I now have a better understanding of the budgetary process and of how the bureaucracy works."

He lists education, health-care access and the environment as the state's most pressing issues.

Davis wants state government to be more fair to local governments, providing money for the services it mandates. He believes social programs should be reformed to help people grow, "not to rob them of self-esteem and create dead ends."

He said he is "unconvinced" the light-rail proposal will solve transportation problems, but he supports completion of the West Valley Highway.

Davis supports efforts to rebuild the Antelope Island causeway, saying it will be good for tourism. He opposes further defense of the state's anti-abortion law and favors tighter regulations of businesses dumping hazardous wastes.

Walton did not respond to a Deseret News questionnaire.

House District 30 includes from 1300 South to 3600 South between 500 East and 1100 East; a southeast section of South Salt Lake west to State Street and south of Mill Creek; a section of Salt Lake City near 1500 East and 1700 South; and part of unincorporated Salt Lake County near 3300 South between 300 East and the Brickyard Plaza.

District 31

Four candidates are competing to represent legislative House District 31, which includes Salt Lake County neighborhoods in Sugar House and north Millcreek.

The candidates are Richard P. Evans, Republican; Mary Carlson, Democrat; Charles G. Pearce, Libertarian; and Betty Christensen, Independent Party.


- Richard P. Evans, a partner in Twede Evans Marketing, is making his first run for public office while also working on the campaign of Bob Bennett, GOP candidate for U.S. Senate.

Education, economic development, transportation and state sovereignty are the most important issues facing the state, according to Evans, who is 30 years old.

He said he strongly opposes the light-rail system as a solution to transportation problems, calling the price tag "much too high for a system that does far too little."

Evans said the light-rail system would not do enough to solve the state's transportation-related problems - air pollution, congestion and lack of economic development.

He said he is better qualified than his opponents because he is a partner in an advertising agency. "I have helped Utah businesses grow to provide hundreds of Utah jobs and stimulate our economy.

"I know the concerns of small business, and I feel strongly that by hindering and hurting small business, through excessive tax and regulation, we will hurt the state, the poor and the unemployed," Evans said.

He said he supports the objectives of Utah's law banning most abortions and would favor taking the "defensible" parts of the law to the U.S. Supreme Court.


- Mary Carlson, head of the Planned Parenthood Association of Utah, is a 53-year-old social worker who taught school for seven years. She has also worked for an adoption agency as well as volunteered for various community organizations.

She said she opposes any further defense of Utah's abortion law because of the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding Roe vs. Wade, the 1973 landmark ruling that legalized abortion.

"The court decision . . . clearly makes the law unconstitutional, a point conceded by state lawyers. Since the (Utah's) law cannot be enforced, it seems logical to repeal it," Carlson said.

She labeled the state's top priorities as education, economic development, health care and tax fairness and said the Legislature must make top priorities of education and basic health care for those in need.

Carlson said she would "support a review of current tax policy to ensure all segments of the population are being taxed at appropriate levels."

Adding more freeways is not the answer to transportation problems, she said. Although some form of rapid transit system is necessary to reduce surface congestion and improve air quality, Carlson said, the proposed light-rail system may not the be answer, either.

Carlson said she is qualified to represent District 31 because her experience enables her to "bring needed diversity into the legislative process. I have been a mother, teacher and social worker, and in these roles I have learned to set priorities and balance budgets," she said.


- Charles G. Pearce, the Libertarian candidate, said he's the only one in the race who understands the U.S. Constitution and its limitations. "It sets out to give government certain powers that naturally belong to the people," he said.

Pearce, the 49-year-old proprietor of the Java Jive coffee house in Sugar House who ran for the Legislature once before, named just one major problem facing state government - survival.

"We have constantly increasing budget requests, constantly increasing needs for tax money because government is growing at a greater rate than our population or need for government. They're feeding on themselves," he said.

A tax increase is not needed despite growing demand on education, health and human service programs. "I would not support a tax increase. I would not support most of those needs. They're not a legitimate function of government."

Human services, he said, "is completely out of control. They do not respond to courts, they don't respond to the Constitution. They have assumed police authority that is not granted them under the Constitution."

The state's abortion law, Pearce said, "should be withdrawn and forgotten about. It's not a function of government. What a woman does with her own body is her problem."

And although providing transportation may be one of the few legitimate functions of government, in Pearce's opinion, he said he opposes the proposed light-rail system.


- Betty Christensen, the Independent Party candidate in District 31, is a 66-year-old retired registered nurse and former head nurse for the American Red Cross in Utah who owns and manages two duplexes.

The most pressing problem she sees facing state government is "getting taxes under control and getting government back where people have some input. I think government has gotten away from the people," Christensen said.

She said she does not support a tax increase to fund increasing needs in government programs. "I'd like to find out how much of those programs actually are going to the people they're supposed to serve," she said.

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"We've got to worry about the taxpayer. There is a point beyond which they're beneficial," Christensen said. "We've got to have some consideration for the taxpayer. Absolutely, they're overburdened."

Citing her nursing background, Christensen said she opposes making abortion illegal. "I was in nursing early enough to see illegal abortions," she said. "I don't want to go back to government having control over a person's body."

Voters should choose her, Christensen said, because she is "of the people and not of the establishment. I've been working with people ever since taxes were raised so high in 1988 . . . We need to have taxes tailored to the people, not taxes tailored to the government."

- House District 31 encompasses Sugar House and north Millcreek areas, generally south to 3100 South, west to 900 East and east to Foothill Drive. The district's northern boundary is I-80 west of 1300 East, Westminster Avenue between 1300 East and 2100 East, and 2100 South east to Foothill Drive.

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