- During its meeting Tuesday, Feb. 11, the Orem City Council will:
- Hear a status report on Orem Community Hospital.- Discuss the need for additional softball facilities. The Recreation Advisory Commission is recommending the city develop four, lighted softball and one combination softball/baseball field at the Lakeside Park site. The commission also recommends installation of lights at the baseball and soccer fields at the Community Park.
- Hear a report on the city's financial condition.
- Consider ABP Investments request for a conditional use permit for its property at 800 N. 1560 East. ABP wants to expand the Canyon Corner service station into a car-care center and fleet storage facility for WordPerfect vehicles.
- Consider ABP Investments request for a conditional use permit for its property at 1500 N. 600 East. ABP wants to construct a storage building to house grounds equipment and mechanical equipment.
- Consider Best Automotive's request for a conditional use permit for an automotive repair business in the east portion of an existing building at 350 N. State.
- Consider Freeway Lumber and Door's request for a conditional use permit to locate a lumber yard and door sales operation in two existing buildings at 895 N. 1200 West.
- Consider Allred, Soffe, Tuttle and Wilkinson's request for a conditional use permit to construct a LDS chapel at 500 S. 600 West.
- The council, meeting as the Redevelopment Agency, will hear a request from Barber Bros. Mitsubishi to modify terms of its redevelopment agreement. Barber Bros. wants to sell part of its property to allow development of businesses not currently permited under the agreement. Barber Bros. also wants sales taxes generated by these other businesses counted in its total tax requirement.
- Hold a closed-door session to discuss property acquisition and litigation related to the proposed Rick Warner Enterprises auto mall and the Richards Development proposal for Cascade Golf Course.