Following is a compilation of bills introduced at the Utah Legislature, their numerical designations and sponsors:

House billsHB48 (substitute 1) - M. Brown - Puts the governor in charge of appointing director of the Division of State Lands, provides that multiple-use management of trust lands is subordinate to trust administration principles and aligns management plans for natural and cultural resources with trust interests and eliminates the development of a plan as a prerequisite to action by the division if approved by the board.

HB50 (substitute 1) - N. Lyon - Enacts the Utah Revised Business Corporation Act while repealing the prior act; moreover, requires publication of a commentary regarding the revised act.

HB62 (substitute 1) - Creates sales tax refunds and repeals certain sales tax exemptions; furthermore, sunsets certain refunds.

HB63 (substitute 1) - D. Jones - Makes it mandatory to give notice prior to establishing a child care center in a public school and removes the classroom space limitation for such centers.

HB67 (substitute 1) - J. Moody - Amends the physician loan repayment program, clarifies definitions and alters the service period required prior to loan repayment; additionally, amends funding procedures for rural physician loan repayment and scholarship programs.

HB72 (substitute 1) - G. Davis - Expands the definition of nuisance to include drug houses, provides for abatement by eviction of unlawful drug house and allows private citizens and businesses to seek abatement by eviction in court.

HB89 (substitute 2) - E. Olsen - Removes the statutory provision that allows state and local board members to receive insurance benefits as board members.

HB110 (substitute 1) - S. Bodily - Raises the minimum monthly retirement benefit and provides retrospective operation.

HB112 (substitute 1) - F. Pignanelli - Enhances penalties for certain hate crimes.

HB121 (substitute 1) - J. Tanner - Requires certain public entities to advertise in larger and bolder type in a newspaper when issuing public debt announcements.

HB132 (substitute 1) - R. Ellertson - Requires the Air Quality Board to implement the conversion of vehicle fleets to cleaner burning fuel.

HB135 (substitute 1) - K. Garn - Relates to lobbyist disclosure and clarifies reporting provisions.

HB145 (substitute 1) - R. Slack - Concerns voting and ballots and amends the qualifications of election judges.

HB148 (substitute 1) - J. Jensen - Provides that specific sexual offenses committed against a minor are without consent if carried out by a person holding a position of special trust in relation to the victim.

HB155 (substitute 2) - B. Harward - Reinstates financial statement filing requirements for certain offices.

HB159 (substitute 1) - D. Ostler - Creates the Utah Enterprise Network to assist state institutions of higher education in matching qualified alumni with the personnel needs of technology-based businesses in Utah and appropriates $150,000.

HB163 (substitute 1) - R. Slack - Amends the procedure for filling a vacancy in an office of U.S. representative or senator.

HB165 (substitute 1) - H. Moody - Amends the fees assessed for the disposal of hazardous waste, provides a training program for inspection of vehicles transporting hazardous substances and appropriates $1.5 million to the Department of Environmental Quality and $800,000 to the Division of Comprehensive Emergency Management.

HB173 (susbstitute 1) - B. Harward - Exempts certain real estate brokers' conduct from any licensure requirement.

HB182 (substitute 1) - D. Adams - Exempts Utah wineries that use Utah agricultural products from a portion of the liquor markup.

HB184 (substitute 1) - A. James - Allows for the health testing of inmates of correctional facilities.

HB192 (substitute 1) - D. Jorgensen - Provides for the purchase of goods and services from federally protected workshops.

HB197 (substitute 1) - E. Olsen - Amends the prohibition of smoking in public places.

HB211 (substitute 1) - P. Julander - Establishes a standardized comprehensive school health record/health-care pilot program in kindergarten and first grade; moreover, appropriates $8,000 and requires each student in the pilot districts to complete a comprehensive school health record on a form developed by the Department of Health in consultation with the State Board of Education.

HB220 (substitute 1) - B. Evans - Authorizes a pilot program designed to increase the self-esteem and the physical, intellectual and life skills of students with disabilities through a holistic integrated arts program.

HB223 (substitute 1) - J. Alexander - Amends statehood centennial license plate law to remove certain restrictions on the use of centennial plates.

HB236 (substitute 1) - F. Pigananelli - Makes it a crime to commit offenses against nature and provides the penalty.

HB255 (substitute 1) - J. Valentine - Relates to the probate code and permits trustees to hold title to assets in the name of the trust; furthermore, establishes compensation procedures for personal representatives and attorneys and allows an attorney to witness and notarize a will.

HB257 (substitute 1) - B. Wright - Amends the Veterinary Practice Act as far as exemptions from the act are concerned.

HB283 (substitute 1) - B. Evans - Creates an independent state agancy to operate and maintain a scenic and historic railroad in Heber Valley and appropriates $1.2 million.

HB296 (substitute 1) - J. Jensen - Relates to campaign financing by limiting contributions.

Senate bills

SB25 (substitute 1) - S. Rees - Amends certain fees related to solid and hazardous waste, clarifies funding provisions and creates a restricted account for environmental management and a dedicated credit for oversight of solid-waste facilities.

SB35 (substitute 2) - S. Howell - Provides for enhanced mathematics and science programs in grades nine through 12, allows for alternative means to demonstrate completion of a prescribed course and appropriates $500,000.

SB38 (substitute 1) - D. Steele - Relates to motor vehicles, restricts renewal of a uniform operator license and provides penalties.

Senate concurrent resolutions

SCR11 (substitute 1) - D. Leavitt - Urges Congress to remove Utah as trustee of the Navajo Trust Fund and further urges that the Navajo Nation be made trustee of the funds that are to be held in trust and expended for the general health, education and welfare of San Juan County Navajos.

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Bills passed

HB175 - G. Protzman - Adds the Coordinating Council for Persons with Disabilities to the Utah Sunset Act.

SB48 - L. Hillyard - Amends definitions of child physical injury.

SCR4 - D. Baird - Urges Utah counties, businesses and schools to educate each citizen in how to preserve lives and minimize damage in the event of an earthquake.

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