While emotional legal and public relations battles swirl, the first small section of a potentially huge landfill is moving to completion near this city of 1,270. See story Page B5.Of interestEPHRAIM
What: "Education and Adventure Conference."
When: Sept. 10-12.
Where: Snow College, Ephraim.
The conference is for adults and teens looking for a stimulating new experience with others who share the same interests.
Courses aren't for credit, and there will be no homework, exams or grades. The only requirement for participants is an inquiring mind and a zest for adventure.
Classes will be taught by Snow College faculty and staff, professionals, hobbyists, craftsmen and other interested people. Functional and traditional courses from the full spectrum will be offered daily with evening classes on Thursday and Friday.
For a class schedule or more information, call 283-4021, ext. 625, or write to Snow College, Conference Programs, 150 East College Avenue, Ephraim, 84627.
More local news on Page B5.
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