To the editor:
Sterling Day (Forum, May 31) quoted Bible passages to justify the breaking of law, basically saying the spirit of a law is more important than the letter of it.The founding mothers and fathers, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, struggled for the fundamental rights of all people - one might say a "righteous" struggle. But comparing their struggles, as Mr. Day did, to a debate over "freedom" to speed (nixing PhotoCop, increasing speed limits, etc.) is like comparing apples to cockroaches.
I don't think raising speed limits is a wise accommodation to some people's craving for speed or a good way to relieve traffic congestion.
Before Mr. Day tries meddling with the letter of the law as it applies to speed limits, consider this: Driving faster creates more pollution than driving slower because more fuel must be used to speed; more fuel burned means more pollution generated.
Driving faster in urban areas, especially in heavy traffic, reduces a driver's ability to effectively and safely deal with driving situations like being cut off, children running out in the street, etc. Would Mr. Day say 20 mph is too slow for school zones? Would he be living the "spirit" of that law when going 28 mph?
Mike Raymond