- THE KING AND I on Saturday, June 20, from 9 a.m. until noon at the Pages Lane Theater, 292 E. Pages Lane, Centerville.
Roles are available for about 50 performers. The show will be double-cast. Prepare a short solo and be prepared to do cold readings. An accompanist will be provided, or you may bring your own. Parts for youths (6 through 17) will be cast from students in Ralph Rodgers' two acting schools.The show will run Aug. 21-Oct. 17 on Mondays and Thursdays-Saturdays.
- ROBIN HOOD, OR THERE GOES THE NEIGHBOR HOOD, a new musical-melodrama written by Bob Bedore and Eric Jensen, on Saturday, June 20, from 9 a.m. until noon at the Layton Heritage Museum. Roles for two women and six men, 18 years of age or older. Performers must be able to sing, act and "ham it up." Be prepared to sing a short song of your own choice. An accompanist will be available.
The production, which will be presented as part of Layton's Arts in the Park Medieval Festival, Aug. 27-31, is sponsored by the Layton Arts Council.