Terry H. was born Dec. 2, 1988. A smile often lights up his face and he is thriving in his foster home. Cerebral palsy, some hearing loss and mental retardation have combined with neglect and failure to complicate this little boy's life.
In some ways, he is like a 6-month-old child. He says a few words, can roll from his back to his stomach, can sit with a minimum of support and is beginning to transfer objects from one hand to the other. He goes to a special preschool three days a week and receives physical, occupational and speech therapy. Terry needs a special feeding chair and a wheelchair to get around, but he is a determined little boy who responds to the world around him.Terry's favorite activity is being in a swimming pool or any water. He puts out his hand to greet new people and can "give you five." He takes time to warm up to other children but smiles and "talks" when they are around.
The love and attention he would receive as the youngest or only child in a two-parent black family, along with therapy and special education programs, could make a big difference. Financial assistance is available.