- Calendar items are published only as space permits. Submissions are due one week before publication. Send all items to: Plus, Box 1257, Salt Lake City, UT 84110. Call Lynn Arave at 237-2100 for more information.
- Children's Museum of Utah:Here's a schedule of events for the Children's Museum of Utah, 840 N. 300 West, Salt Lake City, phone 328-3383:
Friday, June 19: Storytelling, "It's Up to Me," 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., free with regular admission.
Saturday, June 20: Leather crafting by Tandy Leather of Murray from 10-11 a.m., free with admission. The "WeeEntertainers" will perform patriotic songs and dances at 1 p.m.
Sunday, June 21: To celebrate Father's Day, all fathers will be admitted free when accompanied by a child.
Monday, June 22: Ventriloquism will be addressed by Phillip Jackson, an expert at teaching children safety at home and play. The play starts at 1 p.m. with an additional $1 admission charge.
- Utah Triplet Connection:
The Utah Triplet Connection will hold their annual summer family picnic June 19, from 3 p.m. until dark, at Liberty Park in the Rice Terrace (northeast corner of the park). Bring a picnic supper. Watermelon and punch will be provided. Call 485-7117 for more information.
- Miss Utah County Fair contest:
The Salt Lake County Fair is looking for women, ages 17-24, to represent the county at the state fair in September. An orientation on the pageant will be held Monday, June 29, 6 p.m., in the art building at the fairground. Contact Chris Andersen at 359-6978 or Kelly Hale at 359-9515 for more information.
- Summer Corporate Games:
The seventh annual Corporate Summer Games are Aug. 3-22. Events include a 5K run, bicycle race, horseshoes, rifle shoot, executive, softball, tug-o-war, trap shoot, swimming, tennis and walk race.
Registration deadline is July 2. Call 972-7839 for more information.
- Good Shepherd Lutheran Church yard sale:
The women of the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church will hold their annual yard sale - clothing, furniture, household items and more - Friday and Saturday, June 19-20, 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. For more information or to donate items, call Linda at 255-8181.
- Lupus support group:
A Lupus support group meets each month at the Salt Lake County Government Center. Call Barb at 272-9248 for more information.
- Salt Lake Arthritis Education and Support Group:
The Salt Lake County Arthritis Education and Support Group will meet Tuesday, July 7, 2 p.m at the Western Rehabilitation Institute, 8074 S. 1300 East. Call 486-4993 for more information.
- American Dance Festival West:
The American Dance Festival West will perform Aug. 3-8, 14-15 and 19-20 at the Marriott Center for Dance at the University of Utah and Aug. 11-12, 17-18 and 21-22 at the Capitol Theatre. Call 355-ARTS for ticket information.
- "The Restless Spirit":
Part 2 of the book discussion on "The Restless Spirit" will be held Tuesday, June 23, 7 p.m at the Park Library, 4870 S. 2700 West. Call 943-4636 to register or for more information.
- Lakeview Hospital menopause support group:
The first meeting of Lakeview Hospital's new menopause support group will be Wednesday, June 24, 7 p.m. in the women's special care lounge, 630 E. Medical Drive, Bountiful. Call 299-2507 for more information.
- NACEL seeks host families:
NACEL seeks host families for French, Spanish and Mexican teens for a one-month homestay in the area. Call Carol Peterson at 943-6983 for more information.
- Survivors of homicide support group:
Survivors of homicide support group will meet Tuesday, June 16, 7-9 p.m. in the second floor conference room at the main Salt Lake City Library, 209 E. 500 South. Call 255-2380 for more information.
- Yo-yo champion to appear at S.L. County libraries:
Dale Myrberg, world-class yo-yo champion, will appear at two Salt Lake County libraries on Saturday, June 27. He'll be at the Whitmore Library, 2197 E. 7000 South, at 10:30 a.m. and at the West Valley Library, 2880 W. 3650 South, at 1 p.m. Call 943-4636 for more information.
- West Valley City Arts Council:
The West Valley City Arts Council will present the play "The Twelve Dancing Princesses," June 25-27 and June 29 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $3. They may be purchased at the door of the West Valley City Hall, 3600 S. Constitution Blvd. Call Linda Hansen at 250-3488 for more information.
- The Humanists of Utah:
The Humanists of Utah will present "Rational Recovery: The Powerful Alternative," by Nile B. Ward, Thursday, June 18, 7:30 p.m. at the First Unitarian Church, 569 S. 1300 East, in Salt Lake City.
- Summer classes in Murray Community Education:
Murray Community Education is offering a variety of summer classes for adults and children. Youth classes include sewing, kitchen skills, science, pottery, cartooning, arts and crafts and swimming. Adult classes available are computers, pottery, tole painting and many others. Call 264-7414 for more information.
- Host families needed for CHI:
The Cultural Homestay Institute needs hosts families for high school students in the Salt Lake area arriving this August. Students have their own spending money and full medical coverage. For more information, call 963-9615 or 800-944-0466.
- Arthritis classes at Holy Cross:
Holy Cross Hospital is sponsoring a series of classes, "People With Arthritis Can Exercise," for the next nine weeks. People can join the class series at any time, held on the hospital's first floor, east wing, 1050 E. South Temple. Cost of the series is $20. Call 350-4213 for more information.
- Go for the gold at S.L. libraries:
The June family reading program at the Salt Lake City Library, 209 E. 500 South, features "Fit Kids Day" Saturday, June 13, 10:30 a.m. until noon. Learn from the experts how to get fit and have a more healthful life.
Other sports installments will follow during June with in-line skating and martial arts demonstrations. Call 524-8200 for more information.
- Square Dance Jesters Club:
The Square Dance Jesters Club holds a dance every Wednesday, 8-10 p.m., in the Salt Lake County Dance Building, 5177 S. 200 East, inside Murray Park. The public is welcome, and the cost is $5 per couple. The caller is Lucky Ken Parker. Call Jack at 262-6947 or 254-3195 for more information.
- "Friendly" dances:
"Friendly" dances are held every Friday, 8-11 p.m., at the Multipurpose Center, 300 N. 1300 West. Dances feature a live orchestra, "The Super Sounds." More dancers are needed.
Call 581-1864 for more information.
- Murray Boys and Girls Club:
The Murray Boys and Girls Club will hold its annual health fair, Friday, June 19, 9 a.m. to noon at 244 E. Vine St. Free health and dental screenings will be available for youths ages 5-18.
There will also be eye examinations, fitness tests and presentations by the Murray police and fire departments. Call 268-1335 for more information.
- Copperfield reunion:
Former residents of the Copperfield mining town will meet Sunday, June 28, from noon until 6 p.m. at Copperton Park. Participants should bring their favorite potluck dish.
- Student problem solvers:
Butler Middle School was represented earlier this spring by Trend Davies, Meg McCoy, Jenny McDonald and Brent Wood in the 18th annual Future Problem Solving program at the University of Wisconsin. They were coached by Kathy Anderson.
- Christopher Fair at Salt Lake County libraries:
Magician Christopher Fair will perform at 13 Salt Lake County libraries during June and July.
In addition, professional mime Denise Pearce will appear at 12 libraries this summer in a "What in the World Is a Mime Show?"
For information on locations at dates of magic and mime shows, call 943-4636.
- Summer camps and classes:
Cottonwood Community School, a part of the Granite School District Community Education Program, will keep children ages 4-12 entertained and informed this summer with camps and classes. They include sports and cultural camps.
Adults too can take anything from dog training to landscape design.
For more information, call Cottonwood at 273-2110.
- EF seeks host families:
Host families are needed for exchange students through the EF Foundation for the 1992-93 school year. High school students who wish to study abroad are also being sought. Call 572-2590 for more information.
- Alzheimer's support group meetings:
Alzheimer's support group meetings are normally held each month in different areas of the county. Call 596-0308 for more information.
- Wellderly lecture series:
Here's a schedule for the Wellderly Lecture Series at Holy Cross Hospital, Moreau Medical Building Auditorium, Fridays from 2-3 p.m.
- June 19: A tour of the Fort Douglas Museum. Meet at the museum.
- Homes needed for Japanese students:
Families are needed to rent room and board to Japanese students who will study English for three weeks to six months. They will arrive beginning July 15 and will pay $350 per month prorated. Call Vern Smith at 968-9333 for more information.
- Free assistance with Medicare/Medicaid:
Need help with your Medicare paperwork? The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) has trained consultants who will provide free help through the new MMAP program. Assistance is provided for preparing medical insurance claims, processing doctor and hospital bills, etc. This is co-sponsored by Intermountain Health Care.
For more information on the program, call 269-4200.
- French students need host:
Host families for French students staying in Utah are needed July 10-30 by World Educational Student Travel (WEST). If interested, contact Catherine Peterson, 254-1283.
- IEF seeks host families:
The International Education Forum urgently needs host families. Students age 15-18 will arrive from 23 different countries in August. Students have medical insurance and their own spending money. Call Karen Bloomquist at 250-7133 or IEF at 1-800-365-0555 for more information.
- Host an international student:
The AIFS Scholarship Foundation is looking for host families for high school students this fall. Call Bertelle Bagley at 277-2952 for details.
- Salt Lake County `Bridges' volunteer program:
Salt Lake County is sponsoring "Bridges," a new volunteer program for people 50 or older. Volunteers will spend four hours a week with a child who needs understanding, friendship and academic help. For more information, call 468-2199.
- Union Park Toastmasters Club:
The Union Park Toastmasters Club No. 3222 of Toastmasters International meets every Monday at 7 p.m. at 488 E. 6400 South, fourth floor.
The club's objective is to assist members in becoming better public speakers and leaders. Visitors are welcome at the meetings. Call John Maher at 942-2013 for more information.
- Mental-health support:
Recovery Inc., a non-profit, free community health support group, is helping individuals who are coping with depression, anxiety and nervous fears.
Classes are held at various Salt Lake County locations each week:
Valley Mental Health Center, Tuesdays, 10 a.m. to noon; First Baptist Church, Tuesdays, 7-9 p.m.; Whitmore Library, Wednesdays, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Sandy Library, Thursdays, 10 a.m. to noon; and Cottonwood Hospital, Saturdays, 2-4 p.m..
For information on meetings, call 268-2402 or write: Recovery, 3647 Laurelcrest, Salt Lake City, UT 84109.
- Eggroll Roll:
The second Asian Ride and Health Walk will be held on Saturday, June 27, 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. in City Creek Canyon. Registration is due by June 24 for the six-mile course. For more information, call Stoney at 486-5987.
- Great Basin Symphonic Band:
The Great Basin Symphonic Band is seeking more musicians. For more information, call Jim Kirby at 298-4213, or Tom Hanrahan at 277-9688.
- Tracy Aviary begins summer hours:
Tracy Aviary, 589 E. 1300 South, is now open from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. seven days a week. Admission fees are also being charged six days a week - $1.50 for adults, 50 cents for kids 6-12 and 75 cents for senior citizens. Admission is free every Monday, except holidays.
For more information, call 596-5034.
- ASSE seeks host families:
The ASSE International Student Exchange is seeking host families for foreign students coming to Utah high schools next year.
If you are interested in volunteering for the program, contact Kirt Larson at 969-9802 or call 1-800-733-ASSE.
- Action shooting events:
The Salt Lake Practical Shooting Association (SLPSA) holds monthly matches and practice sessions for all shooters interested in IPSC/USPSA (action-style) shooting with a pistol, rifle or shotgun. Call Doug at 942-1760 or Jim at 942-8573 between 6 and 9 p.m. for more information.
- Presidents Toastmasters Club:
Have fun and increase your speaking skills at a monthly Presidents Toastmasters Club meeting. Call Pauline Thatcher at 969-2242 for more information.
- Holy Cross Hospital offers special exercise classes:
Holy Cross Hospital Breast Care Services is offering free exercise classes, designed for women who have had breast surgery. Call 350-4012 for more information.
- Utah Old-Time Fiddlers:
The Salt Lake Chapter of the Utah Old-Time Fiddlers meets the second Saturday of each month, from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m., at the Wheeler Historic Farm, 6351 S. 900 East. Call 363-2022 or 266-4568 for more information.
- Writers-at-Work conference:
The annual Writers-at-Work conference will be June 21-26 at Park City. For further information or for registration materials, contact Writers at Work, 2100 Emigration Canyon, Salt Lake City, UT 84108, or phone 298-9936.
- Volunteer CPR instructors needed:
The Salt Lake chapter of the American Red Cross is taking applications for volunteer instructors to teach infant CPR at baby showers. Training will be provided at no cost. Contact Ruth, 467-7339.
- Red Cross needs volunteers:
The Salt Lake Chapter of the American Red Cross needs volunteers to interview applicants for the Red Cross-administered Utility Assistance Program. For more information, call Ruth or Bobby, 467-7339.
- Speakers bureau:
The Utah Correctional Association Speakers Bureau is available at no charge for panel discussion, presentations and workshops. The bureau features probation officers, juvenile court workers, counselors, therapists and correctional officers. For more information, call Steve Auerbach at 272-8000 or Teague Eskelsen at 533-4008.
- Utah Food Bank program:
The Utah Food Bank has started a new program, "S.O.M.E." (So Others May Eat). The program needs on-call volunteers who will be willing to collect and deliver donated food one night once a month, once a week or one time only. Call Jennifer Turley at 486-2136, or leave a message at 486-2139.
- Silver Spurs equestrian club:
The Silver Spurs, an all-women equestrian club, is accepting applications for membership. Members will compete in parade, drill and gymkhana events.
For more information, contact Janice Klien, Spurs president, at 572-1543, or Cathy Garrett, business manager, 254-3170.
- Chronic-pain support group:
The Salt Lake Chronic-Pain Support Group meets the second and fourth Mondays of each month from 7-9 p.m. at 2100 S. State, South Building, Room 3009.
Call 278-7356 for more information.
- Overeaters Anonymous:
Overeaters Anonymous holds meetings every Monday and Friday, 10:30 a.m. at the Whitmore Library, 2197 E. 7000 South. Call Gail at 943-4551 for more information.
- Scrabble Club:
Scrabble Club No. 173 meets every Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 10 p.m. at Peter Piper Pizza, 2201 S. Highland Drive. All levels of play, novice to expert, are included in the club. New players are welcome.
For more information, contact Jim Fischer at 363-4420 or Mike Stevens at 943-2430.
- YWCA classes:
The Salt Lake YWCA holds classes for mothers, on building healthy relationships, on new beginnings, as well as a teen outreach program. Call 355-2804 for more information.
- National Society to Prevent Blindness:
The National Society to Prevent Blindness sponsors a free telephone service that provides information on vision, eye health and safety. Call 524-2020 for more information.
- Stutterers Support Group:
The Stutterers Support Group will meet the first Monday of each month through June at 7 p.m. in Room C-2 of Granite Park Junior High School, 450 E. 3700 South. For more information, call 272-6420 or 539-0907.
- Utah Chapter of SIDS Foundation:
The Utah Chapter of the National Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Foundation holds regular monthly support meetings, usually on the third Thursday of every month at the Bryman School, 1144 W. 3300 South.
For more information, call 261-4222.
- New support group:
A new support group for parents of children with mental handicaps meets the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at 455 E. 400 South, No. 300.
The support group is sponsored by ARC-Utah. For more information, call 364-5060 or 539-0431.
- Year-round reading program continues:
The Salt Lake City Library's year-round reading program continues this winter with more free programs.
More information on any of these programs is available by calling 524-8200.
- Chapter meetings for the Utah Alliance for the Mentally Ill:
The Utah Alliance for the Mentally Ill holds various chapter meetings each month for those who are dealing with mental illness.
Here's a listing of meeting locations:
- Davis County, third Thursdays at 7 p.m., at 85 S. 185 East, Farmington. Call 544-7402 for more information.
- Salt Lake City, second Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., at 1724 S. Main. Call 255-0009 for more information.
- South Valley, third Wednesdays, 7 p.m., at 195 W. 7200 South. Call 561-3949 for more information.
- West Valley City, third Thursdays at 7 p.m., at 2960 W. 3650 South, Suite 103. Call 254-4856 for more information.
More information on the Utah alliance is also available by calling 584-2023.
- National Scholarship Service:
A National Scholarship Service provides a computer database of scholarship and financial aid information for more than 30,000 sources. For more information on how to qualify for scholarships and financial aid, call 1-800-475-3388, Ext. 3389.
- Mother Club of Utah:
The Mother Club of Utah is an organization for mothers with young children at home. It offers recreational play groups at parks, Wheeler Farm, etc., every Wednesday. Educational classes are provided for parents.
For more information, call Sara Parker, 566-6225.
- Holy Cross Breast-Care Lecture Series:
Holy Cross Hospital, 1045 E. 100 South, presents a continuing Breast-Care Lecture series. Events are each Tuesday from 7:30-9 p.m. in the Moreau Auditorium, 1002 E. South Temple.
The hospital also offers crisis-intervention counseling, support groups and exercise classes. Call 350-4000 for more information.
- S.L. Bridge Center schedule:
Here's a schedule for the Salt Lake Bridge Center, 970 E. 3300 South. Reservations are not required, and the cost is $3.50 per session:
Open pairs - Monday at 12:30 p.m., Tuesday at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. and Friday at 7:30 p.m.
Novice pairs - Monday at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday at 12:30 p.m., Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. and Saturday at 7:30 p.m.
Handicap games - Thursday at 7:30 p.m. and Friday at 12:30 p.m.
For more information, call 466-4069.
- Reading Room for the Blind:
The Reading Room for the Blind meets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from noon to 3 p.m. at 309 E. 100 South. The service is free, and free transportation can be arranged. Patrons need to be age 21 or older, visually handicapped and live in the Salt Lake area.
Call 582-4538 or 583-0098 for more information.
- Incest Survivors Anonymous:
Incest Survivors Anonymous meets every Tuesday from 7-8:30 p.m. at Benchmark Family Care Center, 592 W. 1350 South, Woods Cross. The meeting is open to women 18 or older.
- RSDSA support group meetings:
The Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association (RSDSA) support group meets on the third Tuesday of each month at LDS Hospital in the education center, Classroom G. For more information, call 530-3459.
- Nannies From Utah training:
Nannies From Utah is offering free training classes for nannies and prospective nannies each Wednesday from 7-9 p.m. Training covers pertinent child-care topics such as creative activities, family relationships, child development, first aid and CPR.
Please call 485-4445 for space reservation and more information.
- Alzheimer's disease support groups:
The Salt Lake County Department of Aging Services offers support group meetings monthly for sufferers and caregivers. For details, call Jeannine at 596-0308.
- Cancer support group:
The First Unitarian Church sponsors a support group for those who have had or currently have cancer, Tuesdays, 7-9 p.m., in the church's Teen Center, 569 S. 1300 East. Call 582-8687 or 277-4862 for more information.
- Cultural Homestay looking for host families:
The Cultural Homestay Institute is looking for families willing to host students from a variety of countries. Students from this CSIET approved program come medically insured and have their own spending money. Call Paul Hansen at 963-9615 for more information.
- Pacific Intercultural Exhange:
The Pacific Intercultural Exchange needs host families in the Salt Lake area for students arriving this summer and fall. Call 1-800-245-6232 for more information.
- Host a foreign student:
The American Institute for Foreign Study Scholarship Foundation is looking for host families for international high school exchange students. For more information, call Bertelle Bagley, 277-2952.
- YES needs host families:
The Youth Exchange Service is looking for families to host 15- to 18-year-olds from foreign countries during the next school year. Call 1-800-848-2121 for more information.
- Host families needed by AISE:
The American Intercultural Student Exchange program needs host families for high school exchange students. Call 1-800-SIBLING for more information.
- AIYSEP seeks host families:
The American International Youth Student Exchange program is looking for host families for students. For more information, call 1-800-347-7575.
- ISE needs host families:
The International Student Exchange program needs host families for foreign exchange students. For more information, call 1-800-233-4678.
- Library hours: Regular hours for most Salt Lake County Library System branches are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Friday and Saturday. The hours for the South Salt Lake Library are Monday, noon to 9 p.m.; Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.; and closed Saturday. The hours for Draper Library are Monday through Thursday, noon to 4 p.m., and 5 to 9 p.m.; closed Friday. Saturday hours are 10 a.m. to noon and 1 to 6 p.m.