To the editor:
I read with interest the letter from William Kilpack of West Jordan in the May 29 Readers' Forum. Underlying his comments is the implicit allegation that Joe Cannon controls the Geneva Steel ads. Even a brief analysis shows the attack for what it really is - a politically motivated slam on Cannon that is really not deserved.First, Cannon has severed his day-to-day operation of Geneva's plant. Secondly, and more to the point, is Geneva's announcement of job layoffs issued recently. If Cannon were controlling Geneva's press releases, wouldn't he at least have waited until after the June 27 GOP convention so as to not have any possible negative influence on the Utah County vote?
Fie upon thee, Kilpack.
I know Joe Cannon and have been a guest in his home, and I can say that a more principled gentleman, a more generous person, never was.
We need to recognize the political motivation behind these kinds of attacks, e.g., Kilpack and Adam Campbell. These are:
1. That Cannon and Geneva Steel have not really cleaned up Utah County. Anyone who ever went to the Provo area in the bad old days and who can't tell the difference is not only blind but can't smell or taste.
Does anyone remember when Wayne Owens went to a public function at Geneva, the only Democrat, and said in public that every corporation ought to be run (environmentally) the way Geneva Steel was?
2. That Cannon and Geneva Steel aren't really doing that much for Utah. When you consider that all their coal is bought in Utah, all plant personnel are Utah residents and that several out-of-state firms were laid off in favor of Utah firms, you have to wonder if Kilpack even lives in Utah.
With Joe Cannon being responsible for 10,000 jobs in Utah, I feel comfortable in saying that he has done more for the working men and women of Utah than all of the other candidates (GOP or Democrat) put together.
3. Does anyone realize that Cannon has refused hundreds of thousands of dollars of PAC money on the principle that he wants to represent Utah and not "owe" anything to outsiders?
Joe Heidt