To the editor:

Joe Cannon's candidacy for the U.S. Senate is a disturbing occurrence in the political history of Utah. If anyone really believes that he is the only candidate able to beat Wayne Owens or even the best Republican candidate, then they have been bought by a slick image that has been created by money.According to the most recent FEC report by the Cannon campaign, Joe Cannon had spent more than $2.5 million prior to any of the county conventions. This represents an expenditure of more than $1,000 for the support of each of the 2,500 state delegates. A more direct and less deceptive strategy would be to simply send each state delegate a check and openly buy their vote. With all 29 county conventions now completed and the state convention approaching, it is likely that this figure is probably approaching $4 million: the amount that Orrin Hatch spent during his entire 1988 campaign.

In 1988, Joe Cannon, his family and his company contributed more than $22,000 to Ted Wilson, the Democrat who ran against Gov. Norm Bangerter. During that year, he also donated the maximum individual amount of $1,000 per election cycle to the Gunn McKay and Wayne Owens campaigns. In 1990, he donated the maximum amount to not only Wayne Owens but also his Republican opponents: Genevieve Atwood and Dan Marriott. Cannon's response to such inconsistent donation patterns was that he could not say no to anyone who asked him for money. If he can't say no when someone asks him for a personal donation, how can he say no to increased government expenditures that don't come from his own pocket?

Cannon claims that he is the only one to have the experience necessary to serve in the Senate. Bob Bennett has been the chief executive of a successful and environmentally kind company. Brent Ward has been one of the most effective U.S. attorneys in the country and prosecuted polluters. Ted Stewart has saved Utahns hundreds of millions of dollars as the head of the Public Service Commission and protected our air from the utilities. Each of these individuals has served us in the public sector. Each of these men has outlined his positions on the issues. Joe Cannon has only recently done this. While his opponents have discussed issues, Joe cannon has tried to win with his checkbook.

Kristin Edvalson Wardle

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