Elder Julio E. Davila of the Seventy has created the Chincha Peru Stake, which includes the Chincha, Imperial, Pueblo Nuevo, Sanchez Cerro, and Sion La Hermosa wards, and the Canete and Grocio Prado branches.
Elder Cree-L Kofford of the Seventy has formed the Denton Texas Stake, which includes the Colony 1st, Colony 2nd, Decatur, Denton 1st, Denton 2nd, Denton 3rd, and Denton 4th wards, and the Gainesville Branch.Elder Helvecio Martins of the Seventy has created the Porto Alegre Moinhos de Vento Stake, which includes the Porto Alegre 1st, Porto Alegre 4th, Guaiba Centro, Canoas Niteroi, Petropolis, Guaiba Colina wards, and the Humaita branch.
Elder Harold G. Hillam of the Seventy has organized the Salvador Brazil Stake, which includes the Brotas and Piraja wards, and the Cabula, Feira De Santana, Pernambues, and Pituba branches.
Elsewhere, stakes were reorganized in Oklahoma and Utah, and in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and Peru.
CHINCHA PERU STAKE: (May 10, 1992) Created from the Chincha Peru District; President - Alfonso Eduardo Ormeno Villa, 38, pediatrician, former district president, branch president, institute teacher, and elders quorum adviser, married Nancy Jeny Gutierrez Grados. Counselors - Jorge Isaac Anchante Saravia, 41, accountant, former district president's counselor and branch president, married Maria Elena Torres Tasayco; Gregorio Filomeno Conde Zavala, 55, tailor and confections sales merchant, former district president's counselor and branch president, married Erlinda Carmela Carbajal Torres.
DENTON TEXAS STAKE: (May 3, 1992) Created from the Lewisville Texas Stake. President - James B . Martino, 41, president of womens apparel company, former high councilor, stake executive secretary, stake Young Men president, bishop, and seminary teacher, married Jennie Marie Barron. Counselors - Vaughn A. Andrus, 40, bank president, former high councilor, stake clerk, stake Young Men president, bishop, and ward mission leader and stake missionary, married Margaret Ann Porter; Mark T. Warner, 37, president of financial services company, former high councilor, stake Young Adult president, bishop, elders quorum president, Young Men president, and Sunday School president, married Jane Davidson.
PORTO ALEGRE BRAZIL MOINHOS DE VENTO STAKE: (May 3, 1992) Created from the Porto Alegre Brazil North Stake. President - Claudio Weinert, 39, associate business manager, former stake president and counselor, high councilor, bishop, branch president, and elders quorum president, married Ana Lucia Victorino. Counselors - Marco Antonio da Cunha Cardoso, 31, associate director of bicycle dealership, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, stake executive secretary, stake clerk, and stake Young Men president, married Berenice Zahn; Sergio Bitencourt, 39, electric utilities company employee, former high councilor, bishop and counselor, and Sunday School president, married Paticia Jasmim Tajima.
SALVADOR BRAZIL STAKE: (May 10, 1992) Created from the Salvador Brazil District. President - Carlos Shunji Obata, 36, assistant director of petroleum company, former mission president's counselor, district president and counselor, and branch president, married Janete Sampaio Anjos. Counselors - Sandro Quatel Silva, 28, Church Educational System coordinator, former mission president's counselor, stake mission president, district president's counselor, bishop's counselor, elders quorum president, and Young Men president, married Luciana do Nascimento; Ailton Justino, 24, sales and marketing promoter, former stake executive secretary, district president's counselor, district Young Men president, and branch mission leader, married Leane de Jesus da Hora.
ICA PERU STAKE: (May 10, 1992) President - Fidel Abraham Osorio Alvarado, 29, dentist, succeeding Alexander Alfonso Nunez Tamayo; former stake mission president, bishop, and branch president, married Veronica Luisa Del Rosario Vega. Counselors - Jorge Ramos Junchaya, 50, history professor, former stake president's counselor and branch president, married Juana Aurora Rios Rueda; Antonio Jesus De La Cruz Barros, 36, department of credit chief, former high councilor, district president's counselor, bishop's counselor, and branch president, married Maria Elena Quispe Lizarraga.
JUJUY ARGENTINA STAKE: (May 10, 1992) President - Pedro Ramon Humberto Antonio Lopez, 29, odontologist, succeeding Pedro H. Velazquez; former bishop and counselor, and gospel doctrine teacher, married Fabiola Raquel Pomares. Counselors - Hercules Martin Arias, 53, repair shop owner, former stake Church Educational System supervisor, high councilor, bishop, and branch president, married Esther Padilla; Miguel Carmelo Samudio, 26, editor and graphics equipment operator, former elders quorum president and Young Men president, married Adriana Morales.
LAWTON OKLAHOMA STAKE: (May 17, 1992) President - Gerald G. Johnson, 40, vice president and director of bank, succeeding H. Deloyd Bailey; former stake president's counselor, high councilor, stake mission president, bishop, and Young Men president, married Lavonda Kay Reedy. Counselors - Larry H. Davis, 52, associate professor of art at Midwestern State University, former stake patriarch, bishop, elders quorum president, Young Men president, Aaronic priesthood adviser, and seminary teacher, married Kathleen Rich; Steven Douglas Bentley, 40, director of medical resource management, former stake president's counselor, high councilor, stake Young Men president, and district president's counselor, married Geneva Cope.
LIMA PERU SAN LUIS STAKE: (May 10, 1992) President - Juan Manuel Huertas Marino, 32, sales manager, succeeding Rodolfo Maximo Casos Bellido; former high councilor, bishop, ward mission leader, and elders quorum president, married Susana Saldana Garcia. Counselors - Antero Guevara Olano, 43, business owner, former high councilor, bishop and counselor, married Inelda Vasquez Delgado; Oscar Ruben Hurtado Saravia, 42, Church administration employee, former high councilor, stake clerk, stake mission president, bishop, and ward mission leader, married Rosa Julia Beteta Callirgos.
PORTO ALEGRE BRAZIL NORTH STAKE: (May 3, 1992) President - Waldemar Arballo Gonzalez, 50, business owner, succeeding Claudio Weinert; former stake president's counselor, bishop, district president, branch president, and elders quorum president, married Herminia Gutierrez Correa. Counselors - Vitor Emanuel de Almeida Munhoz, 29, bank department manager, former stake executive secretary, stake clerk, bishop and counselor, married Eliane Terezinha Kittler; Joao Joel de Souza Castilho, 37, independent agent, former high councilor, bishop and counselor, and elders quorum president's counselor, married Luzia Rodrigues Milagre.
SAO PAULO BRAZIL STAKE: (May 10, 1992) President - Claudio Cuellar, 43, art editor, succeeding Aledir Paganelli Barbour; former stake president's counselor, high councilor, stake mission president, bishop, and ward mission leader, married Marisa Silveira. Counselors - Nilo Maria Leal, 49, manager in Church area office, former high councilor, stake mission president, bishop and counselor, and branch president, married Sheila Ribeiro; Joao Luis dos Santos Oppe, 27, production analyst, former bishop, ward executive secretary, elders quorum president, Young Men president, and seminary teacher, married Suezi Delgado Lopes.
SYRACUSE UTAH STAKE: (May 3, 1992) President - D. Lawrence Cook, 59, farmer, succeeding Sheldon Fay Child; former stake president's counselor, high councilor, bishop, elders quorum president, and ward Young Men president, married Cleone Barber. Counselors - Michael E. McBride, 47, engineering manager, former stake mission president, bishop, ward mission leader, Sunday School president, and Young Men president, married Jean Elwell; Mark D. Palmer, 36, attorney, former stake Young Men president, bishop and counselor, ward Young Men president, and elders quorum instructor, married Joan Mitchell.
TORREON MEXICO REFORMA STAKE: (May 3, 1992) President - Rios Perez Leonardo, 49, Church Educational System coordinator, succeeding Miguel Angel Rivera Carlos; former high councilor, bishop and counselor, branch president, and elders quorum president, married Carolina Coronado Lopez. Counselors - Francisco Castor Rios, retained; Franklin Pacheco Avila, 36, payments supervisor, former stake president's counselor, stake mission president, and bishop, married Maria de Jesus Munoz Lujano.