Playskool Baby markets a line of products designed to give parents greater peace of mind by helping to protect young children from everyday household objects as they explore the world around them.
Baby Guards corner guards are new this year to the company's line of products. They are soft, bump-absorbent, transparent cushions that are extra sturdy to keep playful babies from sharp corners and angles of tables, chairs, shelves and other household furniture.The corner guards retail for about $1.49.
The company's other products include the VCR Guard, an easy-to-install, one-piece baby guard that helps prevent children's fingers and foreign objects from finding their way into the videocassette loader.
This guard is a plastic, protective shield that blocks entry into the VCR loader window and can be used with most front-loading VCRs.
Hand Holder allows a toddler free movement within a watchful distance. Its soft fabric bands wrap around adults' and children's wrists and are attached by a spiral, plastic cord to leave parents' hands free to carry shopping bags.
Shock Stops plug into electrical outlets.
Safety Latches automatically lock doors and drawers.
Door Knob Covers lock when a child turns the knob.
Cabinet Locks keep cabinet doors closed to curious little investigators.
If you have a question about where you can purchase Playskool Baby products, call 1-800-752-9755.