Paul Daybell is the most recent sibling to take part in what's becoming a Daybell family tradition - paying for a Brigham Young University education by digging graves at the Springville cemetery.
"It was kind of weird at first," said Paul Daybell, 21. "The weirdest thing about the job is knowing you're digging holes to bury dead people."Paul's older brother Chad, 24, dug graves for two years until he graduated from BYU with a journalism degree. He said he believes the job helped him cope with school.
"I would consider digging graves my first real job," he said. "I liked the exercise and flexible hours. It lets your body work while your mind rests from school."
Matt Daybell, 19, who's serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Canary Islands, even took his part in the tradition. He hopes to return to the job when he gets back in the summer of 1994.
Paul said he likes what he does, but folks often respond with some funny looks when they find out about his job.
"People ask what I do, and I say I'm a gravedigger and they just laugh. I guess they think it's pretty funny."
According to Sheila Daybell, the boys' mother, the tradition will continue even after Paul graduates.
"My other son (15-year-old Brad) is probably starting there next year," she said, "They've already asked him to work there."
But with no more boys after Brad, the Daybell tradition may be coming to an end. It's unlikely their youngest child - 13-year-old Becky - will have any desire to dig graves. But then again, with the Daybells you never know.