Here is a list of actions Friday on bills before the Utah Legislature. Bill sponsors are in parentheses.

House bills introducedHB122 (Burningham) - Amends the Housing Trust Fund, allowing the fund to pay certain loan processing fees.

HB123 (Rushton) - Enacts hearing procedures relating the Uninsured Employers Fund.

HB124 (Mortimer) - Creates a committee to evaluate the quality and efficiency of services provided by the Department of Human Services.

HB125 (Rushton) - Prohibits the unfair pricing of drugs.

HB126 (Fox) - Directs the Department of Health to promote enrollment of Medicaid recipients into prepaid health care delivery systems.

HB127 (Waddoups) - Repeals a section of Utah law that authorizes the use of public transit taxes for light rail and expanded public transportation.

HB128 (Uipi) - Prohibits lobbying on behalf of state and local governments.

HB129 (Pignanelli) - Requires certified court reporters in all civil matters in which the amount exceeds $20,000 and in all criminal cases.

HB130 (R. Evans) - Provides a $2 million appropriation to revamp Utah health care practices, including a plan to expand primary care, facilitate price and value comparisons, require uniform claims processing and change preferred provider contract provisions.

HB131 (Jensen) - Sets standards for the emission of chlorine into the air.

HJR18 (Wright) - A proposed amendment to the Utah Constitution limiting the terms of elected state officials.

HJR19 (Wright) - A proposed amendment to the Utah Constitution limiting the terms of members of the U.S. Congress.

House bills passed

HB63 (Bradshaw) - Recodifies state election laws, making technical corrections.

HJR7 (Waddoups) - Makes procedural changes in joint legislative rules.

HJR11 (Haymond) - Specifically states what legislative employees are to be paid.

Senate bills introduced

SB76 (Ockey) - Makes it unlawful for an investment adviser to divide any consideration with a person not licensed as an investment advisor and makes other changes to the Uniform Securities Act.

SB77 (Dmitrich) - Clarifies the number of members of the Dineh Committee overseeing the Navajo Trust Fund.

SB78 (Stewart) - Creates a Radiology Practical Technician Licensing Board and changes laws relating to radiology technicians.

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SB79 (Hillyard) - Mandates a minimum $1,000 fine for failing to stop for a police officer and imposes a $5,000 fine if anyone is killed in the chase. It also allows police to confiscate vehicles used in chases.

SB80 (Hillyard) - Grants court commissioners the authority to perform marriages.

SB81 (M. Peterson) - Prohibits employers from discriminating against employees who take emergency family leave.

SB82 (Holmgren) - Allocates beds at the Utah State Hospital to local mental health authorities and allows local authorities to commit mentally ill patients to that facility.

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