Here is a list of items introduced in the Utah Legislature. Bill sponsors are in parentheses.
HB132 (Olsen) - Requires all bills passed by the Legislature to first undergo review by an interim, standing or appropriations committee before becoming law.
HB133 (Jensen) - Authorizes special license plates for members of the military reserve.
HB134 (Evans) - Prevents local authorities from prohibiting any person from putting money into parking meters occupied by another person's car.
HB135 (Uipi) - Makes technical amendments to a law governing when studded snow tires may be used.
HB136 (Olsen) - Prohibits smoking anywhere in public school buildings on school property but allows for designated smoking areas for adults during nonschool hours in private schools.
HB137 (Valentine) - Makes a director or officer of a corporation liable in certain court cases if the person's performance constitutes gross negligence, willful misconduct or intentional infliction of harm on the corporation or its shareholders.
HB138 (Waddoups) - Authorizes retirement from the noncontributory system for state employees after 25 years of service.
HB139 (Protzman) - Provides procedures for funding contracts through certain divisions of the Department of Human Services.
HB140 (Evans) - Requires the Division of State History to inventory and promote historical markers and monuments.
HB141 (Atkinson) - Enacts a tax credit of $5 for parents who attend a parent-teacher conference.
SB83 (Hillyard) - Clarifies eligibility for crime victim reparations and sets a $25,000 ceiling for awards, among other amendments to criminal restitution laws.
SB84 (McAllister) - Makes a minor change to state law that allows the Department of Human Services to fingerprint persons who provide services to children.
SB85 (Beattie) - Clarifies the use of chemical tests and the use of test results in civil and criminal drug-alcohol cases, and deletes a requirement that only blood or urine tests be administered.
SB86 (Barlow) - Amends the qualifications for real estate appraiser registration and certification.
SB87 (Hillyard) - Requires the State Tax Commission to review all sales tax exemptions and make a report to the Legislature.
SB88 (Beattie) - Makes adjustments to the allowable death benefits under state pensions.
SB89 (Montgomery) - Allows hardship grants for drinking-water and wastewater projects.
SB90 (Ockey) - Establishes an independent state agency to create and maintain a science center.
SB91 (Howell) - Makes a person criminally liable for storing a loaded firearm when the firearm is accessible to a child who then causes death or serious bodily injury.
SCR3 (C. Peterson) - Recognizes the Earthquake Advisory Board for assisting the state in determining how to reduce the risk of loss in earthquakes.
SCR4 (Howell) - Recognizes the Utah Child Abuse Prevention Plan as a model program to be supported by public and private organizations.
SCR5 (Howell) - Designates April as recycling month.