Parents should get $5 for attending each of their children's parent-teacher conferences. So believes Rep. Kelly Atkinson, D-West Jordan.
Atkinson has introduced a bill that would give parents a $5 tax credit on their state income taxes for attending parent-teacher conferences - where parents talk to their child's teacher about how well the child is doing in school."In Arkansas, if you don't go to parent-teacher night, it is a $25 fine," says Atkinson. "I don't want to fine anyone. I want to reward them."
Perhaps a great idea, but Atkinson's bill would cost the state $2 million in tax revenue. "A down side, maybe. But we'd create a tax checkoff box on your return so you could turn around and donate that $5 right back to your schools," said Atkinson.
Atkinson's $5 tax credit is only one of several measures introduced in this session to encourage parental involvement in their child's education. "We have to have parents doing more, making their own commitment to education," he says.