I feel it necessary to publicly acknowledge (expose) Rep. Karen Shepherd's efforts to put many Utah livestock ranchers out of business.
Her proactive stance in supporting the Clinton administration's efforts to raise the grazing fees on public lands is a direct slap in the face to many Utah ranchers who are struggling to survive and whom she is supposed to be representing.I recently called her office to try to explain how the proposed grazing fee increase would hurt our little family ranch operation, due to the fact that our operation depends heavily on the use of public lands.
The response I received was the epitome of arrogance: A member of her staff said, "You knew she was an environmentalist going in and she will always be an environmentalist."
The public lands on which we graze our cattle are not overgrazed. The federal BLM managers would never allow that to happen and have, in fact, publicly stated that the range is in better condition now than it has been for many years.
There is no endangered species of plants or animals in jeopardy due to our cattle, and if it wasn't for the grazing fees we ranchers pay, the lands we utilize would yield nothing to the federal government.
If Shepherd can't bring herself to listen to her Utah constituents, she will assuredly be a one-term representative. Her legacy, however, unfortunately, will be irreversible damage to Western ranchers and to the country that will be felt for years to come.
Floyd Tanner