I am quite alarmed that Gov. Leavitt is suggesting gun control as a means to stop gangs. I am concerned that he is arbitrarily aiming gun control at young men between the ages of 18 to 25 as if all such young adults are criminals.
The Second Amendment to the Constitution was demanded by men who knew two things all too well: A powerful central government may seek to enslave its people unless they have the means to resist; no government, no matter how strong, can react quickly enough to protect a citizen or his property from an immediate personal attack.My family is of pioneer stock. We Ormonds, and many people like us, are the blood, bones and guts of this country. We are patriots of the truest order, and at a moment's notice, we would lay down our lives for the flag. Now Leavitt will rip away our rights because he cannot control a few street toughs? What kind of payment is that?
Leavitt is wrong to limit my rights and the rights of my law-abiding sons because of a few outlaws who would never obey a new law any sooner than they have any old ones. Show enough guts to go after the gangs, instead of going after everyone's rights.
Raymond S. Ormond
American Fork