Government action
In its Nov. 16 meeting, the City Council:
- Refinanced the approximately $8 million bond issue that paid for construction of Sandy's new City Hall. The arrangement will shorten the life of the original 20-year bond by two years and will save about $1 million.
- Approved annexing 9.6 acres known as the Rothfeder II Annexation at 8250 S. 200 East, zoning partly for single-family 8,000-square-foot lots and partly for single-family 20,000-square-foot lots with animal rights.
- Rezoned 159 acres at 9700 South (Riverside Drive) and the area between 700 West and the Jordan River from residential construction to planned unit development.
In its Nov. 16 meeting, the City Council:
- Discussed a $35,000 loan request to the city Redevelopment Agency by a local group that wants to renovate a bank building at 70 N. Main. The group, Diversified Computers, owns a computer business next door and has proposed turning the former bank building, which now houses a beauty salon, into an ice-cream parlor downstairs with offices upstairs.