After an Indian blessing, lumberjacks cut down the national Christmas tree in the mountains of Southern California to begin its long journey to the White House lawn.
The 75-foot white fir was felled Sunday in the San Bernardino National Forest.Two seedlings were planted to replace the 125-year-old tree and another felled to make way. The Christmas tree was then loaded on a truck for its 2,600-mile journey to Washington.
It will be decorated with 3,000 ornaments made by Southern California schoolchildren before official White House lighting cere-mo-nies Dec. 8.
After earlier announcements saying the tree would come from Southern California, its precise location was kept secret to forestall any vandalism or environmental protests, which never materialized.
Before the cutting, the tree was blessed in Cahuilla, a language of the Indians who lived in the area for centuries.
Alvino Silva, leader of the Cahuilla Bird Singers of Banning, said his prayer was "to our maker who looks over us, for we are here for a good cause."