Funeral services for Dr. Eugene Wood, 80, a physician and a founder of Bryner Clinic, were held Monday at the Ensign LDS 2nd Ward chapel in Salt Lake City.
An obstetrician and gynecologist and a former president of the LDS Hospital medical staff, Dr. Wood died Nov. 17, 1993, of a heart attack at his winter home in West Sun City, Ariz.He graduated from the University of Utah in 1935 and received a medical degree from Northwestern Medical School in 1939. He served an internship and residency at what was then the W.H. Groves Latter-day Saints Hospital.
Dr. Wood volunteered for military duty during World War II, serving four years as a physician in the Navy. He was a lieutenant commander when he was discharged in 1946.
The U.S. Chincoteague on which he served was bombed, and Dr. Wood was instrumental in helping save many lives. After the war ended he returned to Utah as a general practitioner and worked at the Medical Arts Building on South Temple and the Medical Center Building. In 1941 Dr. Wood and Dr. Ulrich Bryner founded Bryner Clinic.
Dr. Wood took post-graduate training in obstetrics and gynecology at Johns Hopkins University Hospital, Boston Lying In Hospital and the University of Tennessee. He returned to Utah in 1952 and resumed his full-time medical practice until suffering a heart attack in 1975.
Dr. Wood was a full clinical professor at the U. where he was named "Outstanding Clinical Professor" in 1966. He was a fellow in the American College of Surgeons and in the American College of Obstetricians.
He was a high priest in the Ensign 2nd Ward, Ensign Stake. He and his wife, the former Evelyn Bringhurst, served a mission from 1984 to 1985 to the Washington, D.C., LDS Temple.
Burial was in the Murray City Cemetery.