Dear Abby: In 1945, in Fort Pierce, Fla., I went out for football. I weighed 113 pounds - pads, uniform, shoes and shoelaces. One big lineman said, "You won't be here after two scrimmages." I looked up at him and said, "I'm here to stay!"
Soon the team accepted me, and I'd get to play when we were well ahead - just before they sent in the water boy.Walking off the field one night after a game, I heard a fast rush of footsteps - and a naval officer put his hand on my shoulder and said, "You've got a lot of courage for your size." Then he turned and walked out the gate.
I asked our star guard, "Who was that guy!"
He replied, "That was Johnny Lujack." He went on to Notre Dame and earned the Heisman Trophy!
I will always remember him not only as a great football player, but a tremendously nice person to have complimented me - a scrub - instead of one of the stars of our team.
Well, I did grow, and served four years with the U.S. paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne. I returned home 6 feet tall and weighing 205 pounds.
- John Hughes, Fort Pierce, Fla.
Dear John: Thanks for a heartwarming memory. Nice guys do NOT always finish last.
Dear Abby: I hope you can help me find a poem I have been looking for for many years. I don't know who the author is, but I believe it was written before the mid-'50s, because I heard it as a young girl.
I have tried our local public library and the college library, with no luck at all. The poem was titled "Cheering Up the Sick" (I think). It begins:
"Good morning, Mrs. Anderson
"How do you feel today?
"I just dropped by to cheer you up
"While passing by this way.
"How long have you been ill, my dear?
"You're such a sight to see
"How very thin and pale you are,
"You're sure it's not T.B.? .
"Oh, no, it isn't worth my while
"To take my wrappings off.
"I guess, though, I won't sit so near,
"'Cause I don't like that cough. .
"Miss Martin's cough was just like yours,
"The doctors worked in vain
"They buried her last Saturday
"From the church in Cedar Lane."
Abby, this poem goes on and on. I would love to find it or the book in which it is included.
- Patricia C., Pennsauken, N.J.
Dear Patricia: If any of my readers can locate this poem and send it to me, I will happily share it with you. Readers?
Dear Abby's new book, "Where Were You When President Kennedy Was Shot?" captures touching memories of shock, despair and emotion. To order, call (800) 913-ABBY, or write to Abby's Kennedy Book, Andrews and McMeel, P.O. Box 419242, Kansas City, MO 64141. Include $6.95, plus $2 for postage and handling. (In Canada, $9.50 plus $2.50.)
1993 Universal Press Syndicate