Look out Teddy Grahams! Looney Tuners are looming on the horizon in Nabisco's new graham crackers. "Bugs Bunny Graham Snacks" can be purchased for $1.99 in cinnamon or chocolate flavors in the 10-ounce box.
Don Russell (married, five children at home, ages 14-4): "Our cinnamon crackers were fun to try. Obviously, this product is aimed more at the younger generation. Nabisco adds just the right amount of cinnamon and sugar making these crackers a likely juvenile pleaser. It was fun to see Nabisco market these crackers in Looney Tune shapes rather than Disney. Nothing against Disney, but I don't like to see one theme dominating the market! The price seemed a little high, but I'm sure the crackers can be purchased cheaper during promotions."Edyth Jensen (married, three children and two grandchildren at home): "The cinnamon graham crackers were wonderful. To me, they're just graham crackers, but the kids really did enjoy them. They have a good flavor and are not real cinnamony. We will buy them again."
Nihla Lake (married, four children at home): "We tried the cinnamon flavor. I think the food companies have two chimpanzees locked in a room inventing new shapes for graham cracker and fruit snacks. These newest goofy shapes were great but you can't miss with cinnamon and graham which is a pleasant combination. These were strictly for toddlers because the adults had to snarf them by the handful to get any satisfaction. These little grahams will be good to keep on hand for the grandkids."
Linda C. Tingey (single mother, four teenage boys at home): "Give me a glass of milk and I could go to town on these chocolate graham crackers! A houseful of teenage boys also tried them and liked them. They'll be great fun for the little kids, too. I'll be buying these again."
Rich Firmage (married, three children, oldest 8 years old): "We tested the chocolate flavor of the graham snacks. My kids and my nephew loved them! They thought they were great. I don't like that type of chocolate cookie taste, so I'll pass. But I'll buy them for the kids."
Bill Allred (single): "I've always loved graham crackers - ever since kindergarten when they gave them to us along with some milk after we had our little naps. These Bugs Bunny graham snacks taste great. I like them a little better even than Teddy Grahams. All the great Warner characters are in the box . . . Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote, Bugs, Elmer Fudd, the Tasmanian Devil and more. You can play little games with the cookies. I had the coyote chase Road Runner into my mouth. And, I ate the Tasmanian Devil before he could eat me. One warning, though, for those of you who follow dietary laws: the Porky Pig cookie may not be kosher."
Conclusion: Do you think Bugs was worried about his new grahams? Silly Wabbit! The testers loved 'em!