Here is a list of recent action in the Legislature. Bill sponsors are in parentheses:
House bills introducedHJR33 (Pignanelli) - Encourages those parties most concerned about the fate of low-income housing to take the lead in initiating solutions.
HJR34 (James) - Designates May as Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month.
HJR35 (M. Stephens) - Directs the legislative management committee to assign to the appropriate interim committee items of study.
HJR36 (Uipi) - A constitutional amendment to change election dates for state executive officers.
HJR37 (Jorgensen) - Grants approval to modify an existing facility to receive Sharon Steel waste.
HJR38 (Jorgensen) - Approves the establishment of a facility to receive Sharon Steel waste.
HR4 (Davis) - Urges parents to consider the educational, economic and environmental benefits of recognizing a population in balance with the environment.
HR5 (Mortimer) - Urges Congress to pass a constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget.
HCR10 (B. Evans) - Grants the Genesis Production Company authority to operate a commercial solid waste disposal facility.
HCR11 (Bishop) - Directs the lieutenant governor to place an opinion question relating to primary elections to a vote of the people.
HCR12 (Burningham) - Expresses support for a permanent extension by the United States Congress of the tax-exempt mortgage revenue bond program for single-family housing.
HCR13 (Dillree) - Asks the Utah School Boards Association, the Utah School Superintendents Association and the state's teachers associations to develop a mediation policy.
HCR14 (M. Stephens) - Expresses the state's intent regarding the completion and funding of the Central Utah Project.
HCR15 (Pignanelli) - Makes recommendations to the governor's task force on anti-discrimination.
HB332 (Bishop) - Establishes a procedure for submitting opinion questions to voters.
HB333 (Ellertson) - Provides for home detention of criminals by private providers.
HB334 (Waddoups) - Modifies dismissal procedures for public school employees.
HB335 (Bishop) - Amends the public employee and firefighter retirement acts.
HB336 (Valentine) - A general appropriations act.
HB337 (Valentine) - A general appropriations act.
HB338 (Waddoups) - Amends board representation on public transit districts.
HB339 (Bodily) - Amends clean fuel and special fuel taxes and fees.
HB340 (Smith) - Amends licensing provisions related to the practice of social work.
HB341 (Mortimer) - Modifies certain voter registration restrictions.