A deeply divided community crowded into the Jordan School District administration building Tuesday night to plead for help in healing their neighborhood.
Patrons of Silver Mesa Elementary School are divided about whether to continue with a year-round school schedule. The school became year-round about five years ago and the schedule has been a divisive issue ever since.When drawing new boundaries a few months ago, the board noted the school had room for some more children and has talked about busing more students to Silver Mesa. But parents against year-round say they don't want a larger student body, they want to go back to a traditional schedule.
"I'm watching my community have every bone in its collective body crushed," Pam Newman said through tears. "It has pitted neighbor against neighbor, child against child and teacher against patron."
Newman took her children out of Silver Mesa just a year after the school went on a year-round schedule.
"I've never seen such a demoralized school as Silver Mesa," she said. And parents on both sides of the issue agree that the morale at the school is at rock bottom.
But others said they prefer the year-round schedule. "The morale is low at our school because of this debate," said Barbara George. "Year-round teaches my children stress management. Silver Mesa is an excellent school that works well. Don't try and fix it, because it isn't broken."
Luanne Lacey asked the district to hold a public meeting at the elementary school and offer facts about year-round. She said teachers were asked which schedule they preferred and of 38 teachers surveyed, 29 responded. Of those 29, 22 said they would put in for a transfer if the school goes back to a traditional schedule.
Roy Drew said the number of parents at the meeting warranted the board's attention to the issue. Board President Linda Neff said the rift the issue had created in the community was tragic.
"But what's most tragic is what happens to children in so much contention," she said to applause from parents on all sides of the issue.