Although ABC has promised seven consecutive episodes of "Homefront" on Tuesdays at 9 p.m., it actually has nine episodes sitting on the shelf.
Which means we won't be seeing two of them.And one of the "lost episodes" is reportedly particularly powerful - it flashes back to Nazi death camp survivor Gina Sloane's (Giuliana Santini) days at Ausch-witz.
For shame, ABC, for shame.
We can only hope that ABC renews the series and we eventually get a chance to see these episodes sometime this summer.
Barring that, our only chance will probably be if the show is purchased by a cable network.
- The theatrical film "A League of Their Own" has yet to hit television, but a TV series based on the film has gone into production.
Penny Marshall, who directed the movie, is the executive producer and will direct the first episode - which was written by Lowell Ganz and Babaloo Mandel, who also wrote the screenplay.
There's no air date for the half-hour series about a women's baseball team in the 1940s, but it's expected to debut in April.
Series regulars include Sam McMurray (who takes over the Tom Hanks role), Tracy Nelson, Carey Lowell, Tracy Reiner, Megan Cavanah, Christine Elise, Wendy Makkena and Katie Rich.
Just remember, for every successful movies-to-TV series like "M*A*S*H," there are a whole bunch of failures like "Working Girl," "Parenthood," "Dirty Dancing," "Down and Out in Beverly Hills," "Serpico," "Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice," "Uncle Buck," etc.
- "Parker Lewis," which Fox relegated to backup status after two seasons as a regular series, will return to the air on Sunday, March 21, at 6 p.m.
Headed for hiatus is "Batman: The Animated Series," which will continue to be seen on weekday afternoons.
- NBC News, trying to shore up its (mortally?) wounded image, is cutting "I Witness Video" loose.
The dreadful, exploitative show, which features amateur home videos of various mayhem and disasters, has been produced by the news division. It will, in all likelihood, return in the fall, but it will be transferred to the entertainment division.
It's an attempt by NBC News to distance itself from tabloid journalism - a weak, overdue attempt.
- QUOTABLE: Connie Sellecca, on CBS's decision to cancel her series "P.S.I. LUV U" last season:
"It still is in CBS's eyes a mistake, I think, because they haven't had anything perform that well in that time slot since they got rid of us," she said.
So, how does that make you feel?
"Um . . . nah, nah, n-nah, nah!"