As mayor of our capital city, Deedee Corradini makes certain decisions whose impact is far-reaching. Such a one is the raising of golf fees. It has had a domino effect on the Wasatch Front and also makes her fair game for criticism by the people affected.
The mayor has decided the popular activity of golf will become a "revenue cow" to fund other programs. She has abandoned the time-honored principle and policy of the golf program being self-supporting, with fees no higher than needed.Corradini has shown a disdain for the common person for whom golf is an important activity. The attraction for most is a combination embracing camaraderie, sportsmanship and individualism where the activity level is moderate and suitable for all ages, genders, bodies, etc.
The vast majority are people whose income is modest, nearly fixed or fixed. So, there will be less play or borrowing from Peter to pay Paul.
Salt Lake City has sneezed, all the Wasatch Front has caught the cold. All fees are raised to be in line with Corradini's decisions. As the decisions reflect an apparent disdain, contempt and disregard for the common person, small wonder many find them objectionable.
Robert Robinson