Thousands of graceful white snow geese are temporarily resting on two waters in Millard County en route from their winter home in southern California, among them a bird that was banded near Siberia.
More than 15,000 snow geese have crowded onto the Clear Lake Water Management Area northwest of Fillmore and the Gunnison Bend Reservoir near Delta. Officials of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources said the beautiful but noisy birds are spectacular to watch.They are expected to be in the area for a few more days while storing energy for the remainder of their long flight.
The summer grounds of the snow geese are in northwestern Canada and the Arctic.
The birds headquarter at Clear Lake most of the time but usually fly to Gunnison Bend Reservoir during the middle of the day, resting for about six hours and then returning.
It was reported that one snow goose was identified by biologists as a bird that was banded on Wrangle Island off the coast of northern Siberia.