Kimberley Bartel of Utah Job Service offers this advice for those seeking summer jobs:
- Don't procrastinate. There are thousands of you competing for the same jobs.- Don't limit yourself to a specific job. Explore as many as possible. It may give you some ideas of a career you want to pursue later.
- Read the want-ads in the newspaper.
- Check out the job boards at the universities and colleges.
- Got to a temporary-help agency.
- Use your personal connections by telling family and friends you're looking for work.
- Don't be afraid to apply for a job you may not be entirely qualified for because you may be underestimating your skills. Confidence and determination are essential.
Utah's young people are not lazy, said Bartel. Sixty-eight percent of them are working or looking for work, compared with only 52 percent nationally. But because Utah has a young population - the average age in Utah is 26 compared to 33 for the nation - and such a high percentage wants to work, it means stiff competition for summer jobs.