Activities at the annual Davis County Fair move into high gear today, with a full 12 hours of events scheduled at the fairgrounds in west Farmington.
At Thursday's opening ceremony, County Commissioner J. Dell Holbrook paid tribute to fellow Commissioner Gerald Purdy and his contributions to the growth of the fair. Purdy is hospitalized with a heart attack suffered Thursday morning at his home.The fair runs through tonight, with a CRC-sanctioned rodeo vying with country-western singers and a melodrama for entertainment interest.
Events today open with a 10 a.m. horse show in the rodeo arena and include livestock judging and auctions, style shows and 4-H demonstrations.
The small exhibit building contains entries from the county's senior citizens citizens, while the main exhibit building is filled with 4-H entries, art and photography exhibits and informational exhibits from city and county government agencies.
Commercial and food booths are set up on the grassy area around two main exhibit buildings and adjacent to the outdoor entertainment stage.
The fair closes at 10 p.m.
Today's schedule:
10 a.m.: Open horse show, 4-H vegetable contest, exhibit buildings open, 4-H dairy show.
11 a.m.: Open dairy show, 4-H first aid contest, Farm Bureau talent find.
Noon: 4-H rocket launching contest; rides, games and commercial booths open; Four Rose Back, musical group, on outdoor stage.
1 p.m.: Tonya Kae, country singer.
2 p.m.: Junior livestock exhibitors and buyers lunch; New Dawn, country group.
3 p.m.: Junior style show, senior fashion and talent show.
4 p.m.: Junior livestock sale.
5 p.m.: Rob Bright, country singer.
5:30 p.m.: Bountiful Stars, singing group.
6 p.m.: Utah Travelers, gospel group.
7 p.m.: City challenge, rodeo arena.
8 p.m.: CRC Rodeo.
9 p.m.: Melodrama, "The Hangin' at Sinimin City."
10 p.m.: Fair closes.