A 6-month-old baby who was taken to the hospital in a coma Thursday may have been shaken, police reported.
The child was taken to Primary Children's Medical Center about 1 a.m. Thursday because the boy was vomiting. The doctor found that the boy was very lethargic and was "in and out of a coma-like state," a Salt Lake police report stated.Doctors determined that the boy had suffered both old and new injuries to his brain and had other injuries consistent with being shaken. The baby had no visible signs of injury, however.
The child's mother said she picked the child up from the baby sitter earlier in the evening and noticed that he had thrown up. The child threw up again later and was put to bed about 10 p.m. When the mother checked on him shortly afterward, she told police the boy had fallen out of bed.
Homicide detectives are investigating the case for possible child abuse. The boy's condition improved, and he was in stable condition Friday at the hospital.