I'm familiar with hundreds of dog breeds, but what's and "outside dog?" Unless you're medically intolerant of the dog (and therefore can't take care of him in a medical emergency, so you shouldn't have him anyway), making a dog stay outside is a costly waste.
If he's for protection, what do you think I want to steal, your lawn? When you leave, do you put your valuables and your kids out in your yard? Just what is the dog "protecting" out there?Most dogs kept outside cause far more nuisance complaints from barking and escaping than any deterrent to intrusion. Such complaints cause teasing, antagonism, release and poisoning. I've lost count of the number of times I've heard, "Now I know why I find so many rocks, sticks and cans in my yard! They're throwing them at my dog!" or, "So that's why I've had to replace the padlock on the fence 17 times in the past year!" With your dog a helpless victim, it's no laughing matter.
If I'm the crook and your dog is out, your fence protects ME, not your possessions or your dog. If I just open the gate, nine out of 10 dogs will run off! I can safely shoot, stab, spear, poison, snare, strangle or dart through the fence and you just lost your dog and everything I steal!
If he's tied up and I keep out of reach, he's useless. He'll bark, but outside dogs bark so much they're usually ignored. But let a dog hit the other side of a door or window I'm breaking into and I'm GONE! I can't hurt the dog until he can hurt me, and nothing you own is worth my arm. Deterrence is effective protection.
Protection and aggression are not the same. Protection is defensive, reactive, often passive and threatens or injures no one. Aggression is active, harmful and offensive, threatens all and benefits none. Yard dogs often develop far more aggressive tendencies than protective tendencies because everyone who passes by or enters has already violated the territory that dog has marked dozens of times a day for years. That's not protection, it's not desirable and it overlooks two facts of life today.
First, property owners have implied social contracts with other in the community. Letter and paper carriers, delivery people, law enforcement, emergency medical personnel, meter readers and others are allowed near and at times on your property without your specific permission. And sure, that 10-year-old was not supposed to jump your fence after his ball, kite or frisbee, but neither you nor your dog are allowed to cause him injury if he does.
Imagine this: a neighbor looks into your yard or window and sees you, your spouse or your child lying on the floor in a pool of blood. He calls 911 and your dog prevents paramedics from assisting! Should they shoot your dog, or just let you die? Great choice.
Second, even if an intruder is committing a felony, few jurisdictions allow you or your dog to cause physical injury in order to prevent property loss. Convicted felons have sued dogs' owners from jail and won more in the suit than they ever could have stolen. Appalling? True.
And don't be foolish enough to believe your homeowners insurance will cover the loss. Now you see why many feel that an "outside dog" is a bad idea. The more a dog is outdoors, the less behavioral control you have. It's easier to solve four or five indoor problems than just one outdoor problem. The reason is valid and simple: The more you control the stimuli that reach your dog, the more your control the responses.
You've got a lot more control over your living room then you do over your entire county! When your dog is bored but teased by every dog, cat, bird, squirrel, motorcycle, paper carrier, airplane, firecracker and backfiring truck in the county, OF COURSE he'll dig, chew and bark. Would you sit still all day every day? Do you want unnecessary medical and parasite fees, especially as the dog ages?
When a dog is alone indoors, you are still 30 percent there because of your scent, and things he associates with you constantly remind the dog of you and your training. When he's out, your dog is alone, whether you're home or not. Do you really expect him to keep YOU in mind while the entire world teases, distracts and stimulates him? An outdoor dog has an address, not a home. Does your dog get so much mail that he needs a personal address? Dogs offer a real value as companion animals. Do you live out in your yard? Whose company does your yard dog keep and protect? Stop behavioral problems and start enjoying real protection and companionship. Bring your dogs inside.