For you new pet owners as well as old pet owners here is a good way to start the year off with a six month check list for your pet. The idea behind preventive medicine is to eliminate as many potential problems as you can before they become problems.
Protect your pet against cold and frostbite by providing it with a warm, dry, draft-free shelter. Make sure the animal has an adequate water supply at all times instead of an empty bowl. An acute change of temperature is difficult for pets - a dog jacket or sweater may help prevent respiratory problems.
A month before the weather's warming trend and the coming of the mosquito season is the time to check your dog for heartworms (with a simple blood test) and begin preventive medication if the test is negative. This also a good time to have your dog or cat spayed or neutered, before the animal goes into season. Dogs and cats can be sterilized at six months of age. Sterilization prevents unwanted pets, but it often leads to a longer and healthier life for pets.
Along with the thawing of spring and new plant growth, animal owners will also see rekindling of old viruses that can cause severe illness and even death to a pet, especially a puppy or kitten. Vaccinations are a must to prevent many diseases. The first vaccinations can be given at 6 to 8 weeks of age with follow-up vaccinations varying, but the second vaccination is usually given between 9 and 11 weeks of age and the third between 12 and 16 weeks.
This should provide immunity for one year. Check with your veterinarian for the best schedule for your pet. Rabies vaccine is usually first given at 4 to 6 months of age. The second vaccination should be given one year later, and the dog should be inoculated every other year thereafter and cats every year. Once your pet becomes an adult, annual revaccinations are essential for its continued well-being, whatever its age or living conditions.
A wet spring brings out ticks, gnats and other parasites that can cause your pet skin problems. Get a headstart on these pests and the discomfort they can cause. Check with your veterinarian for the most effective preventive products.
This is a great month to have your pets teeth cleaned and check for possible problems. Gum or periodontal disease is one of the most common problems seen by veterinarians today. Periodontal disease is known as the "silent disease" because of its slow, progressive nature. Periodontal disease can lead to loss of appetite, weight loss, serious generalized infections and even heart disease. As with humans, the problem begins when plaque and tartar are allowed to build up on a pet's teeth. Plaque harbors bacteria, which can lead to infection.
Heat and sunstroke are realities of summer. Always provide fresh water, and never leave pets in closed cars. Groom them often to remove dead hair. If you see a animal in a car during the summer, report it to your animal control agency immediately. Signs of sunstroke are heavy breathing or panting, breathing with difficulty, excessive salivation, collapse, anxious expression on face and a rectal temperature of 105 degrees of higher. If the animal is suffering from heat stroke, immediately immerse, or hose it down in cold water. Keep the animal in water until temperature goes down. Hold its head above water.
If you would like more information concerning domestic animal health, contact Salt Lake County Animal Services Education Program, 264-2247.