There is pool of talent and skills going unused in Davis County that needs to be coordinated, Rep. Marda Dillree, R-Farmington, suggested Monday to the Davis County Commission.
Dillree is exploring an idea - and even she admits at this point it is somewhat unfocused - of a central coordinating body that could tap into that pool, bringing a valuable new resource to county social and government agencies.She's met with a number of people in state government, the United Way and local service groups, and she said she's gained a sense there is a need to promote and coordinate voluntarism on the local level.
"The vision at this time is sort of vague," Dillree told the commissioners, but she said as she talks to more people involved, it is becoming clearer what is needed.
There may be grant money available from the state if there's support at the local level, Dillree said, suggesting the county could provide office space for a coordinator.
There is a coordinating council for social agencies in the county, according to Dillree, but it needs to be broadened and revitalized.
The commission discussed the proposal for almost 40 minutes and suggested Dillree continue to refine her ideas and return at a future session.