Government action
Davis CountyIn its meeting Nov. 3, the Davis Emergency Medical Services Council:
- Appointed Dr. Mark G. Flammer to the council, representing Lakeview Hospital.
- Approved the appointment of Kay Matsumura, administrator of Lakeview Hospital, as EMS Council chairman-elect.
- Approved a new stationery and letterhead for the council.
- Tabled for further review its policy on dispatching helicopter ambulances in medical emer-gen-cies.
Davis County Commission
In recent meetings, the commission:
- Approved a quit-claim deed to turn over a strip of property within the State Street right of way in Farmington to the city. The strip of land is 12 feet wide and 49 feet long, acquired by the county for unpaid property taxes.
- Approved a settlement dispute with Merrill Marketing, North Salt Lake, on the assessed valuation of the firm's property. The value was decreased to $879,000 from $1.2 million.
At its Nov. 3 meeting, the City Council:
- Approved an agreement with Delta Geotechnical Consultants for studies on the proposed 118-acre site for a prospective higher education facility. The city will pay the firm up to $2,900 for a environmental study on the site and a maximum of $2,300 for a geotechnical study. Another $1,000 may also be spent on water testing.
- Approved a beer license for the Mongolian Restaurant, 22 North Main.
- Authorized a onetime transfer of $375,000 from the city's water fund to the sewer account to complete a two-year conversion plan to give all utilities their own separate operating funds.
- Approved a private property protection review ordinance to comply with a mandate by the 1994 state Legislature.
- Held a public hearing and approved the rezone of 11 acres west of the Snow Creek Subdivision and east of Adamswood Road from agricultural to residential. There could be 8,000-square-foot lots on the south end and larger lots by the stream.
- Approved the official Layton/Clearfield boundary adjustment on North Main Street and near west Antelope Drive, since no appeals were received.
- Received a police report on gang unit progress. The city has made significant progress with 417 gang members identified in the city. There have also been 152 arrests.
- Received a preliminary plan for the development of the West Layton sports complex. The 120-acre site, east of 2200 West and just south of the Swan Lakes Golf Course, would contain soccer, baseball and softball fields. Development could begin next year.