In regard to your review of the Nine Inch Nail concert, I would like to know if the reporter, Scott Iwasaki, attended the same concert as I did. Did he even go, or did he just hear about it? He reported things happening that I do not remember. I was not stoned, drunk or unconscious, so you can imagine my surprise at the falsehoods Iwasaki described.
One of these misunderstandings is that mosh pits were present at the concert at all. I did not understand if Iwasaki was implying that mosh pits had been started and "were done away" with, or whether there were no mosh pits at all. My seats were very good (Portal H, Section 8, Row 11, Seats 5-8). They were located directly on the side of the stage, and my friends and I saw no mosh pits nor any hint of a mosh pit.Another thing I noticed was a misprint of a Nine Inch Nail song. The song Trent Reznor sang while the screen was down in front of the stage was titled "Hurt." As a loyal Nine Inch Nail fan, I should know this, especially since that is my favorite song of theirs.
As the review stated, the audience was chanting along with Trent Reznor as he sang the song "Suck." That is correct, but the following sentence, "They grabbed at his guitarist, pulled him down and almost sent him over the edge of the stage," did not happen.
First of all, the crowd was not close enough to even touch the stage. Second of all, if they had been close enough, the security guards would have taken them down. Reznor pulled his own guitarist down, with no help from the audience. Anyone at the concert knows this.
Iwasaki made the band appear as demonic, disruptive hellions. Any parent reading this review would have thought they had allowed their child to see Satan in person. I can't express how upset this portrayal of a very talented band makes me. I realize that sending Iwasaki to the Nine Inch Nails concert would be like sending a teenager to a Kenny G concert. They don't mix. No wonder he didn't enjoy the concert.
Nicole Wallace
Salt Lake County
Editor's note: Scott Iwasaki stands by his review. He did attend the concert and said he enjoyed it.