I am a member of the Logan High girls' soccer team. Our team made it to the State 4-A Championship game with the odds all against us. As it turned out, Region 5 has one of the strongest regions around. Ben Lomond lost in overtime in the state semifinals, and Sky View also lost only 1-0 to Olympus. Olympus is a good team, but how about a little credit for some of the teams that came as far as they did with all the odds that we plainly laid out to them?
The newspapers, other high school coaches, everyone didn't seem to take the teams from Cache Valley very seriously. That is one of the main obstacles Region 5 faced. Logan High has great coaches and teammates, which was a major factor in coming as far as we did. We read the newspapers and what they said and what the other coaches have said. For example, when Jordan played Olympus, one of the coaches stated that the winner out of that game was going to win the whole thing. Then, when it came time for Ben Lomond to play Olympus, it was again stated that the championship as far as they were concerned was played that day.The championship was played Oct. 18 at West Jordan High School at 2:30 p.m., Logan against Olympus. We beat out East, Timpview, Judge and lost a tough game to Olympus in the finals. Congratulations to Olympus. They are an awesome team. Nobody expected us to get this far; we beat the odds, and I am honored to play for Logan High. So how about a little respect next time?
Sallie Goble