Acclamation, a Southern Utah University entertainment group, will perform at dinner shows in the Hunter Conference Center's Gilbert Great Hall Feb. 25 and 26, and March 3-5.

According to Del Beatty, Acclamation director, the dinner shows are fund-raisers for a May 12-23 concert tour of Japan. Tickets for the dinner show are $10 per person and need to be purchased in advance, Beatty said. The tickets can be purchased at the SUU Student Activity Office, located in Student Center. They can also be purchased from Acclamation members or reserved by calling 586-7762.Dinner will begin at 6:30 p.m., and will feature a chicken-breast buffet. The floor show will begin after dinner.

The performance will showcase Acclamation's road show, titled "Celebrate America."

"The show focuses on the different cultures that contributed to America's musical heritage," Beatty said.

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The first part of the program will feature music from Europe, Polynesia and Latin America. The second portion is a tribute to Irving Berlin, a Russian immigrant who dominated American popular music in the middle of the 20th century. The finale of the song/dance performance will be a selection of songs from American-authored Broadway musicals, such as "Hello Dolly" and "The Music Man."

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