With an abundance of energy, enthusiasm and curiosity I experienced all I could of life; tragically and much too soon I now experience death.
Scott Loren Taylor died Feb. 23, 1994 due to injuries received in an industrial accident. He was born May 3, 1967 to Alan R. Taylor and Laurian Taylor England. He married his only sweetheart, Gina Wines, Nov. 8, 1986. They had two boys, Scott, 6 and Shawn, 5, who survive him. Scott's family was the light of his life and his proudest accomplishment.Also survived by parents; brother, Shane (Michelle); sisters, Shaylynn (Todd) Glad and Ann Marie Taylor; grandmothers, Melva Smith and Lillian Taylor, along with many other family members and friends.
Go now, Scott, with the same curiosity and enthusiasm you had in this life. As you move on we'll be watching for your special smile. You will always be in our hearts. We love you.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, 12 noon at the McDougal West Jordan Mortuary, 1861 West 7800 So., where friends may call 10:30-11:50 a.m. Interment, Valley View Memorial Park.
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