The "A-Cat-Emmy Awards" - not to be confused with that famous Hollywood event three weeks later - is the theme for the annual Promontory Point Cat Club show scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, March 5-6, in the Utah Fairpark Grand building at the Utah State Fairpark.
This is the 18th annual show sponsored by the Ogden-based club. The event ranks as the oldest continuous cat show in Utah.Cat fanciers from across the nation will exhbit and compete with as many as 30 different breeds of registered cats. There is also a division for household pets.
Eight nationally ranked judges (four each day) will judge each of the cats. Visitors are welcome to watch the judging process and should enjoy listening to comments by the judges on the care and conditioning of the cats. The judges also take the time to explain what they are looking for in each particular breed.
Judges will select the best entries in each division: kitten, premiership, championship and household. Registered CFA cat owners will also be competing for regional and national points.
In addition to the felines, several vendors of cat supplies and related items of interest to cat owners will also have displays on the premises.
Admission: $2 for adults, $1 for children, $5 for a family pass. All children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
And, unlike the Oscars, all the fur on display at "The A-Cat-Emmy Awards" is still attached to the original owners.