Age: 42.Where born: Murray.
Family: Wife Tracey and children Shari, Scott, Matthew, Marcus, Cameron and Lauren.
Education: University of Utah: bachelor of science in accounting.
Primary products: Ultra-clean manufacturing environments.
Primary markets: Worldwide.
Number of employees: 225.
Annual sales: $30 million.
First "real" job: Feeding cows at Erekson Bros. Dairy Farm.
Management style: Challenge, question and encourage people around me.
Strategy for success: Learn from mistakes and strive for continuous improvement in self and others.
A memorable failure: People don't fail, they just have setbacks and challenges to overcome.
Heroes: My parents and Captain Moroni.
Leisure time and hobbies: Family, golf, skiing and reading.
Favorite book and movie: Book: "The Book of Mormon." Movie: "A Man for All Seasons."