Beef cook-off time

The National Beef Cook-Off entry deadline is just around the corner - and anyone out there want-ing to travel South might just give it a try.Little Rock, Ark., is this year's site for the 1995 cookoff competition. Fifteen selected finalists will travel, all-expenses-paid, to cook their "creation" Sept. 21-23.

Last year Utah was well-represented by Logan's Janice Skousen, who originated a Lemon Herb Roast that took her to the cookoff finals in Cheyenne, Wyo. (I still think her recipe was the winner.)

This is your big chance, y'all! So pickup up a hunk o' beef, and use your creativity - the grand prize is $25,000! (That ain't hamburger!)

Enter now, to beat the deadline. For details, call the National Beef Cook-Off hotline - 1-800-621-7011. Or send favorite, original beef recipes to:

National Beef Cook-Off Entries

P.O. Box 3240

Chicago, IL 60654.

Just a hint, kids. Many National Beef Cook-Off entries have reflected "hot" dining trends with ethnic or innovative flavors. Hope to meet another Utahn there! We can trade Jell-O recipes.


Move over, Ralph Nader.

Deseret News' food sleuth, disguised as her incognito alter ego, Darth Grater, discovered another no-fat item!

FORCING myself to check out the Kara Chocolate store on the main level of Salt Lake's ZCMI Center, I actually found a no-fat delight among the crates of chocolate.

Jelly Belly beans.

What more can I say - who cares about the rest of the ingredients - they're NO FAT!!!!

For $5.50 a pound (a bit more pricey than pinto beans, but then, so is the taste!) you can feast on 39 flavors that produce intense joy and salivation!

For a free Jelly Belly menu and recipes pamphlet for fun ideas call 1-800-JBBEANS (1-800-522-3267).


Cooking Light magazine says that health experts tell us we're supposed to get no more than 30 percent of our calories from fat. But how much fat is that - in grams.

Here's the magic formula:

Your total calories per day equals

multiplied by .030

equals: fat calories per day

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divided by 9

(there are 9 calories in 1 gram of fat)

equals: grams of total fat allowable per day

(2,000 calories per day is a good target for a moderately active woman)

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