Law enforcement agencies statewide are looking for a man and woman accused of kidnapping, assaulting and robbing a woman in Wyoming Sunday night.
According to Utah County deputy sheriff Dave Hill, Marilyn Wilkerson, 34, Rock Springs, Wyo., had just gotten off work from her job as a manager of a Denny's restaurant when she decided to do her grocery shopping. At approximately 9 p.m., Wil-ker-son began loading groceries into her car when she was pushed into the vehicle by a Hispanic male in his 20s who was joined by a Hispanic female, also in her 20s, police reports state.The two then drove southwest through Wyoming and into Utah, police reports state.
While in the car, both the man and woman physically assaulted Wilkerson, striking her bluntly in the head and face with a knife. Eventually, Wilkerson became ill and started vomiting. Because of the illness, the couple stopped the car one mile north of Payson on I-15. Wilkerson then began screaming and crying for help. The man then attempted to slash Wilkerson with a knife. She was able to break free and escape on foot. She eventually made her way to Fuel America in Payson, where employees contacted Utah County sheriff's dispatchers at 3:15 a.m., police reports state.
Utah County sheriff's officers questioned Wilkerson, who was then taken to Mountain View Hospital in Payson for treatment of her wounds. She was held for observation.
Payson Police officials later found Wilkerson's 1976 Ford Thunderbird near another Payson-area convenience store. Two Denny's cashbags with about $2,500 were missing from the car.
The man had shoulder-length black hair and a moustache.
Anyone with further information should contact Utah County sheriff's dispatchers, 375-3601.